Chapter 28

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Here it is!! :)

"Stefan smiles. Alert the media!"

"No Elena! I will not go into your bedroom with you."

Damon's pov:

Elena and I were back at the boardinghouse in no time and to my disappointment, all of our friends were there. Caroline ran up to Elena, squealing, and hugged her. "Elena!! We're so glad you're back!!" I smirked. "Thanks for the warm welcome, blondie." Caroline sniffed, raising her chin. "Whatever, Damon."

Caroline ran back to Tyler's side and wrapped her arm around his waist. "So, now that you too are finally back, I will share my plans! Damon and Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy, and Tyler and I will all be going on a trip to the Salvatore islands!" I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, so now you're inviting yourself to my island?" Bonnie stepped forward quietly, her head down slightly. "We thought it would be a good distraction from everything that's going on and considering I've made it so that Katherine can't leave town...."

I raised my hand, dismissing the rest of her sentence. "Ah, ah, ah. Let's just get on my private jet, shall we?" The other two couples were already packed, so that left Elena and I. I made my way up to my room with Elena trailing behind. As I opened the door, I realized that Elena had continued down the hallway. "Elena, where are you going?" She turned around with a strange look on her face. "Going to pack up my stuff?" I was in front of her in a split second, smirking. "All of your clothing is in my room, princess." Her eyes lowered and I knew that if she was still human, she would've been blushing. "I'm sorry, Damon." We returned to my room and quickly gathered the necessities before going out to meet the rest of our group. Being a vampire certainly had it's perks-we were on my jet within a half hour.

Elena's pov:

Okay, so all of my clothes were in Damon's room, not Stefan's. That had to mean something right? Slowly, I was starting to remember what had happened with Stefan and I knew that his hold on me would not last much longer.

We were on the jet and each couple was lounging on a couch. Bonnie had her head on my little brother's chest and Caroline was practically in Tyler's lap. Feeling myself long for that closeness, I reluctantly walked up to the dark angel who had his arm thrown across the back of another couch. "Damon....."

He raised an eyebrow at me; a classic Damon move and then wrinkles appeared in between his brows, forcing me to barely restrain myself from smoothing them away. "Well, come here then, angel." I tucked my feet under myself and laid my head carefully on his stony chest. His arm snaked its way down my back and around my waist and I found myself sinking lower into his embrace.

I knew it then, deep in my heart, that this was the Salvatore brother I had loved and was supposed to love for all of forever. And that was a really long time.

Bonnie's pov:

Being away from mystic falls eased everybody's anxious feelings and I think so did the idea of being within several hours of a relaxing vacation on an island. Without moving my head, I snuck a peak at Tyler and Caroline. I knew that she was so glad that he was with her. Even after her little Matt thing, I knew that she truly loved Tyler. Damon and Elena were snuggled on the opposite couch and I could see the love between them radiating off. Elena and Stefan were cute, but her and Damon were made for each other. Perfect soul mates. I could tell that Stefan's compulsion on her was starting to wear off from the peaceful look on her face.

Suddenly, an alarm began to go off and a light flashed above our heads. White, red, blue; emergency. The pilot's voice came over the speaker, sounding panicked. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we might have a problem." The plane began to rumble and shake and I knew that we were going to crash. Elena seemed to reach the same realization and jumped up. "Jeremy!" I closed my eyes. Jeremy was the only human here. Somehow, I could probably find a spell to cheat death, but he couldn't. And I wasn't strong enough to keep him safe. Caroline appeared and grabbed my arm. "Bonnie, go to Tyler." I hesitated and she pushed me towards him.

"Go, Bonnie! I will protect Jeremy!" I ran up to Tyler and he quickly enfolded me in his strong embrace, closing me off from the oncoming disaster. Through a thin space between Tyler's arms, I could see Caroline wrapped around Jeremy and I had to swallow my jealousy. She was only holding him out of safety just like Tyler was holding me. Damon had Elena hidden in his arms too, even though she was a vampire as well. Oh, well. I guess that's love for you. The plane began to spin, knocking us from the floor to the ceiling. Floor. Ceiling. Eventually, it just plunged down in a nosedive. That rush as the plane picked up speed was the first time I was scared that we might die. I heard Damon's usually calm voice shout. "We're going to have to jump so we don't land with the wreckage!" There was a screeching noise as metal was torn from the plane and Damon must have jumped with Elena. Next, I felt Jeremy's presence leave, so him and Caroline must have jumped too. Tyler scooped me up bridal style and before I knew it, we were falling.

Hours seemed to pass as we fell until I could feel the ground approaching. My entire body tensed up, bracing for impact, as Tyler did a somersault on the ground before gaining his footing. He released me and looked me in the face. "You okay, Bon?" I nodded. "Yeah, thanks, Tyler."

Jeremy's pov:

Caroline immediately released me after we were both standing up and I looked around, finding Bonnie and Tyler a couple feet away. Bonnie ran up to me and into my arms and I hugged her tightly. "I'm glad you're okay, Bonnie."

Damon's pov:

I landed in the water, a slap to the face that would have resulted in two black eyes in a human. Elena was not in my arms and I was nowhere near any type of land. We had all jumped off the same plane and Elena had been with me, how had we been separated? I began to swim in the general direction of what I hoped was land.

Elena's pov:

I tumbled to the ground and laid on my back, stunned that I was no longer in Damon's arms. Where was he? A face framed with dark hair leaned into my line of vision and I felt relief. "Thank goodness, I was beginning to get worried." Damon helped me up and I hugged him quickly, but then slowly pulled back. His body felt wrong.

This wasn't Damon.

This was Tyler.

"Tyler. Where is everybody else?" He started to lead me down the length of beach we had landed on. "Bonnie and Jeremy are here. I can't find Caroline." I lowered my eyes, watching my feet move. "I don't know where Damon went either." We rejoined Bonnie and Jeremy. "Anybody know if where we are? Or if anybody else is here?" Tyler shook his head sadly. "Nope. There's nobody here. I haven't even seen any animals." Jeremy stepped forward. "Well, let's get shelter and a fire going." Tyler and Jeremy went about their tasks and Bonnie came to sit next to me, looking out at the endless sea. "We'll find him, Elena. And Caroline too." I sighed. "I hope so, Bonnie." She closed her eyes and mouthed words that I couldn't understand, but I knew were a message to the missing parties of our group.

Let me know what you think!!

Sorry it's been so long!!

Hearts <3

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