Desire the Darkness-(The Vampire Diaries)

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I do not own any ties to the tv series The Vampire Diaries nor do I own any part of the books! This is just my opinion on what would've happened if Elena would've gotten the chance to remember that Damon told her he loved her in the beginning!

My story picks up on the episode called Rose.

Vote, fan, comment! :)

I walked into my bedroom and closed the door. The hair on the back of my neck prickled and I whirled around to face my intruder. "Damon, what do you want?" He raised his arm in response from his hand dangled my necklace. "My necklace!" I exclaimed "Where did you find it? How?" Damon chuckled. "I have my ways." I smiled. "Well, can I have it back?" I reached for the necklace, but Damon held it just out of my reach. "Say please." I sighed. "Please, Damon." He cocked his head. "Hmmm....No." I narrowed my eyes. "Damon, give it back. Now." He shook his head, suddenly serious. "No, Elena. I have to say something first." I looked into his sharp blue eyes, thoroughly confused. "What do you have to say that I can't wear my necklace to hear?" He didn't respond. "Damon?" His gaze, which had previously glanced away, zeroed in on me. "Elena, I need to tell you that I love you and that the most selfish thing that I have ever done in my life is wanted you." I started to interrupt. "Damon, I---" He stopped me. "No, Elena, let me finish." I drew in a breath. "No, Damon, you let me finish. I've loved Stefan since I've met the both of you because he was the "good"brother. I decided from the very beginning that I would never get involved with you because of who you were and what you do. You've changed, though, Damon. You're different. You genuinely care. I'm falling for you, Damon, and I can't believe it, but now I realize that I've been denying it since the day that I met you, first laid eyes on you." I couldn't believe that I was telling him this. I hadn't even realized that I felt this way about him until now. "Damon, I love you too." His eyes, which had been gazing intently at my face, lit up, a fire burning within his soul, but the flames were quickly smothered. His rugged, handsome features twisted with anguish. "But, I can't hurt my brother like that, Elena. That would be too selfish, even for me. Stefan loves you too much." He paused, thinking. "There's only one thing that will solve this." Damon flew over to the other side of the room and ripped the leg off my wooden chair. It took me a second to process what he was doing and by that time he was in front of me again. He put my necklace around my neck and stepped back. Before I could speak, he was raising the makeshift stake, his muscles tensing. My heart leapt into my throat. "Damon, no!" I darted in front of him and under his arms. I closed my eyes, waiting for the sharp sting of the stake piercing my flesh, but it didn't come. There was a second of utter silence and then I looked up to see Damon glaring down at me. "Do you realize that I could've killed you right there?! Elena, you could've died!" I rested my forehead on my chest and tightened my arms around his neck. "You were going to kill yourself! What was I supposed to do?" Damon pulled away and started to turn, but before he could, I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. He immediately kissed me back and then wrenched his face away from mine, panting. "No, Elena, this can't happen. I don't deserve you, but my brother does." "No, Damon." I pleaded. " You do! You've changed!" He smiled slightly and pulled me close for a hug. "I really do love you, Elena." I drew in a breath to tell him that I loved him too with all my heart, but in that instant, he released me and shoved me onto the bed. "Damon?" Confusion was clear in my tone. He whispered his response, his voice broken. "I have to do what's right for once." A single tear slid down his cheek and it was then that I realized that he had never let go of the stake. "Damon, no!" He met my eyes for a brief instant, his muscles straining underneath his smooth skin as he clenched his hands around his weapon. Damon held my gaze fo another split second and then closed his eyes as he plunged the stake into his chest. He fell to the floor with a groan and I scrambled off the bed, trying to get to him. "No, no, no, Damon!" Tears were dripping down my cheeks. "Damon!"

Let me know what you think! For all you Damon-lovers, I DID NOT kill off Damon forever! I promise!! :)

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