Chapter 36

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Hey y'all!! Sorry it's been so long! There's been Spanish people and water parks and all that fun stuff.

"The only person I can count on is me."

"I don't do jealous. Not with you. Not anymore."

Elena's POV:

It was dark wherever I was. I knew that much at least. I tried to move my left arm, but it met resistance, so I tried my right hand which was free to move around. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in the basement of the Salvatore boardinghouse.

What happened? Quickly, I freed my left wrist and both feet from their restraints and then stiffly made my way to the cooler that I desperately hoped would be filled with blood bags. Thankfully, I wasn't disappointed and drank as many bags that I could manage. Immediately, I felt stronger and more alert as I made my way upstairs.

Everything was different. Not a lot, but enough that I could tell some time had passed. The paintings were new, the furniture was more modernized. The first person I saw was Stefan and I walked closer to him. "Stefan?" He turned and smiled. "Hello, love." I breathed a small sigh of relief. He didn't seem angry.

I started to walk into his open arms, but Katherine appeared from behind me and snuggled into his embrace. I frowned. Stefan was ignoring me? And he gave her my nickname?

I liked around the room and saw Bonnie, Matt, Tyler, Caroline, and Damon. I started to walk up to Caroline. "Caroline! I've missed you!" Caroline smiled and held her arms out. "Good morning, sweetie." I immediately knew that she wasn't talking to me and stepped to the side just as a little girl ran and jumped into her hold. "Morning, mommy!" My brow wrinkled in confusion. Why was this little girl calling Caroline mommy? I looked more closely at Caroline's face. She looked older. Not incredibly so, but subtly. There were slight creases in her skin and her hair was longer.

Tyler put his arms around her waist and kissed the tip of the little girl's nose, making her giggle. Tyler looked older too and so did Bonnie. They all looked like adults. Knowing that vampires couldn't age, I decided that Caroline probably asked Bonnie to do a spell to make her look a little older to fit into the role of a mother.

Bonnie was cuddled into the chest of none other than Matt Donovan and his hands were framing her slightly protruding belly. A pang of jealousy shot through my veins. I wasn't entirely sure how it worked, but I was almost positive I would never get to experience that. Finally, my gaze reached Damon and I was surprised to feel a sense of loss run through me.

I almost missed him, missed us. He was huddled alone in a chair, clutching a glass of alcohol. As I watched him, I heard Caroline speak. "It's been ten years, Damon," she said, softly. Damon glared at her with dull eyes. "Yeah, it has been," he growled, icily, " and nothing's changed. I still love her more than anything."

Ten years since what? Had I been gone for ten years? Why was everybody ignoring me? I followed Caroline and Tyler into the dining room, curious what they would say without Damon right there. "She's been gone ten years," Caroline whispered, " this is so unlike him, Tyler." I walked directly in between her and Tyler. "Who's been gone, Care?" She looked right through me as if I wasn't even in the room. Tyler shrugged. "He really loved her, Caroline, and once Damon actually gives his heart to somebody, that's it. There's no next one. There's no moving on."

Caroline snuggled into Tyler's arm. "I know, I just wish we didn't have to do it. I mean, she was our best friend." Tyler buried his nose in her hair and I started to back out of the room. "It had to be done. She was too much of a danger to everyone with her emotions off. Especially now that we have Sophie, she couldn't be trusted." I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. They were talking about me like I was dead! I was like a ghost and that's why they were acting like they couldn't see me because they actually couldn't!

I flew up to my bedroom and sighed in relief as I saw that nothing had changed here. I walked over to my mirror and traced the edges of a picture of Damon and I there. It was the only one I had since Damon, as self-centered as he was, wouldn't let me take any more. It was the day of the Founder's Ball, when Stefan didn't show up and I was human. Back when I was alive.

"Elena? Can you hear me?" I spun around. "Bonnie? Can you see me?" She sat on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry that we had to do this. I miss you, Elena. We all do." She smiled sadly and placed her hand on her belly. "I wish you could've seen this little guy grow up." I put my hand carefully over hers, but she gave no indication that she saw or felt me. "I'm sorry, Bon. I'm so sorry I turned it all off and lost myself." After another quiet minute, Bonnie stood and left the room.

So, she was just talking to the supposed essence of my room. From downstairs, I heard Stefan ask Damon if they could talk in private. I padded down the hallway, very much intending to eavesdrop in their conversation. It had nothing to do with wanting to see Damon. Nope. I didn't care. Not at all. They went out on the back porch and I sat on the low stone wall to watch this all play out. Damon was still meticulously put together, but he looked aged. Even though his skin and body was flawless, his eyes looked older than the hills.

"Damon," Stefan said, quietly, " it's been ten years." "To the day," Damon interrupted, "ten years ago on this day, we killed her." Stefan sighed heavily. "I know just as well as you do what day it is, Damon. But you have the rest of eternity to love and you don't want to spend all that time sleeping around and killing everybody like you were doing before Elena came into our lives. Forever is a long time to be so unhappy." Damon downed the rest of his drink. "I loved her, brother. Really loved her. I still do. No one will ever be good enough to be with for the forever I planned on spending with her." I tried to swallow the tears that were rising in my throat. He missed me so much.

Stefan sat right next to me and I jumped. He almost sat on me! How inconsiderate of him! "But, Damon, you're missing the Elena that had her humanity. That's not who she was at the end. She tried to kill all of her friends. If Bonnie hadn't stepped in, they would be dead." Damon stared out into the sun, making the blue in his eyes light up. "I know. I just wish things could have played out differently." Stefan stood and placed his hand in his older brother's shoulder. "Me too, me too."

Damon turned back to go in the house. "You know, maybe I don't have to live through an eternity without her." Stefan and I followed Damon back into the living room and I watched Stefan return to Katherine's side. Damon flung open the curtains on the biggest window so that sunlight streamed in, and I squinted, trying to see the expression on Damon's shadowed face. I was confused as to was he was doing until I saw him pull his ring off and I gasped. "Damon, don't!"

He tossed his ring to Stefan who simply caught it and slid it in his pocket. "Stefan, what are you doing?! Stop him!" And he just stood there, watching as Damon gritted his teeth in pain, letting his skin begin to burn. I started to cry. "Help him!" I screamed. I looked at Caroline who was sitting on the couch, gazing at Damon's skin crumbling like ash. "Caroline! Don't just sit there!" Silence.

"Tyler!" Silence.

"Bonnie!" Sweet Bonnie. Silence.

"Matt!" The Matt who would never hurt a fly. Silence.

"Katherine!" She had loved Damon once. Silence.

"Stefan?" His silence was the worst of all. He was letting his own brother burn to ashes right before his eyes. Stefan smirked as Damon groaned in pain. "This is what you get for thinking you burned me to the ground the last time, brother."

My hands tore at my hair, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Damon, move! Please, don't do this!" He dropped to his knees, weakened, and a sob caught in my throat, making an awful gasping noise. "Damon, no, please, I love you! I love you!" Even though, I knew that I wasn't in the room with him, not really, I flung myself on my knees in front of him, trying to block him from the sun.

I gasped when Damon's arms immediately snaked around my waist and he fell to a seated position with me in his lap. Stefan appeared instantly next to the window and pulled the curtains tightly shut. "Damon!" He ran his hand through my hair and I buried my face in his neck as he held me tightly, trying to hold himself upright. "Shh, Elena, my angel," he soothed, "it's all right." I held the front of his shirt in a death grip. "Wh-why d-did you d-do that? W-what ha-happened?" I sniffled. Damon stood up stiffly, pulling me up with him. He sat on the couch, careful of his quickly-healing skin.

Stefan stepped forward. "I'll start," he said.

Huh????? What did they just do?? Now y'all know Damon's true feelings and how much of a softie he is. ;) he almost died there which was kinda scary but that's how much he wanted Elena back!!!! Awwwwww

My favorite part of this chapter was when Tyler said, " He really loved her, Caroline, and once Damon actually gives his heart to somebody, that's it. There's no next one. There's no moving on."

LOVE IT SO MUCH I FEEL LIKE I DIDN'T COME UP WITH IT. IT GIVES ME THE GOOSEBUMPS!!!!'s almost the end people. I think. Unless I add more than originally planned. What do you think??

Hearts <3

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