Chapter 31

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Sadly, this story is nearing its end....sort of. Kind of. Not really.

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"No sudden moves. No tricks, either. No Katherine-ing."

"If you're gonna be bad, be bad with a purpose."

Bonnie's pov:

I couldn't help it. When Jeremy pierced Damon's skin, I screamed. I knew it was going to happen, but somehow it was so much more wrong watching it.

Sure, Damon wasn't on the top of many people's lists, but he was our friend. And now, Jeremy killed him.

Jeremy walked away without a second glance and I took that as an opportunity to glance down at Damon, hoping that he wasn't turning gray. His face was flawless as always, his expression blank, almost vulnerable-so unlike Damon that I had to look away. Carefully, I dragged his body next to Elena's and sat down.

The silence lasted a couple minutes and then I laughed humorouslessly. I was sitting between the bodies of two of my good friends. Both vampires and yet they died before I did. Me, just a normal witch. My laughter faded as I thought about what the night would hopefully bring. Damon's death better have not been for nothing.

The leaves behind me crunched as someone stepped on them. "Bonnie?" My heart flew into my throat, but I couldn't turn around.

It wasn't Jeremy's voice.

The air around me thinned, making harder for me to breathe. "Tyler," I gasped, "what's going on?" Tyler came into my line of vision and ran a finger down Elena's face. "What a pity. Coming between the Salvatore brothers just like Katerina did."

I turned my head sharply towards what I had thought to be Tyler. "Who are you?" Tyler faced me again, smiling lightly. "Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. Must we get off on such a bad start? No matter, though, my name is Silas. Maybe you've heard of me?" My eyes widened, Grams had told me about him. Elena had mentioned him.

He was over two thousand years old and one of the most powerful warlocks in all of history. "Silas, show me your true face," I demanded. Tyler shook his head regretfully. "Unfortunately, my dear, I cannot do that. You wouldn't find me as attractive." I immediately shook my head. "I don't like Tyler that way. He's Caroline's boyfriend and she loves him and I love Jeremy." Tyler made a tsking noise with his tongue. "But, you find Tyler attractive, there's no denying that. And Jeremy Gilbert? Hmm, how....interesting."

I leaned on a fallen tree, trying to regain my breath. "Don't mess with him, Silas. There's too many people that care about him. They would all make you pay." Tyler laughed, a dark chuckle that was so unlike what the real Tyler sounded like. "My dear, I can do whatever I want. No one can touch me." I lifted my chin in a show of defiance. "We will find a way." Tyler looked down at Elena again. "Good luck with that, Bonnie."

He turned his attention to Damon and frowned; for the first time slightly rattled. "Why is he dead? He's not supposed to be dead." I smirked at him, standing up now. "Why, Silas? Was that not in your foolproof plan?"

Tyler whipped around and was inches away from my face in an instant. "Don't mess with me, Bonnie Bennett. I can be everywhere and nowhere. I can make your life fall to pieces. You think that crashing on this island was an accident? Because I don't. I am everyone and no one. You will never see me coming, little witch."

Unwillingly, I shrank back as Tyler's face became Caroline's, Stefan's, and worst of all, Jeremy's. "Yo-you'll never win. I will stop you, Silas." Silas returned to his form as Tyler and smirked. "We shall meet again soon, my dear, very soon." He disappeared into the deepest part of the jungle and I ran back to our shelter. Jeremy was sitting just inside, staring into space. Crying out in relief, I hugged him tightly. "Jeremy! I'm so glad you're okay!" He stared at me with flat eyes. "Okay, Bonnie? You think I'm okay right now? I just killed Damon. Damon is dead."

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