Chapter 30

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Here it is!! :)

"Can we not do this whole road trip bonding thing? The cliche of it all makes me itch."

"People change and forget to tell each other." (Little note, this is Ian, not Damon)

Damon's pov:

I don't know how many days passed, but I do remember constantly being forced to drink Jeremy's blood.

Elena's voice whispered past my ear in the night sometimes, calling out for me, professing her love. Every so often, I thought that I could see her. She was shrouded in mist-a ghost.

One night, this ghost Elena seated herself right next to me. "'s okay, I'm here. Come join me." I raised my hand, but my fingers passed right through. "Elena...." She shook her head. "Don't worry, Damon, you won't die forever, you will be much like me. And then we'll be together until we can figure out how to get back to the land of the living." She disappeared into the dark sky and I laid my forehead on Elena's cold skin. I was going crazy, imagining Elena sitting next to me, begging me to join her in death.

But really, how bad would it be? In the morning, Bonnie sat by me again as usual, not saying anything at first. "Sit with me tonight, Bonnie. I want to see if you can see her too." Bonnie sighed. "Damon, maybe it's time to let her go." I glared at her. "Sit with me tonight, witch."

Elena's pov:

I visited Damon every night so that he could at least see me. I was with him always, but in the daylight, he couldn't see me. He thought that I was a ghost, I knew that, but maybe if Bonnie saw me too, then he would realize that it was me.

As I had done many times over the past week, I looked around at my little world. My in between. It wasn't all too different from the living world, I guess. A bench half-hidden behind an apple tree, a small field of flowers, and an endless path that I knew would lead me to a "life" without Damon.

Laughing to myself, I turned to look back at the screen that was showing me what was happening in their world. I felt like Dorothy. Should I follow the yellow brick road? If I click my heels three times, will I get to return home? My laugh quickly died as I saw Damon rest his forehead on mine. He was sad, so sad. I could feel his emotions as they passed through him. He wasn't even angry at his brother, not yet anyways. What if I couldn't get back? Would he ever stop grieving? Or worse, would he ever move on?

Pacing back and forth in front of my screen, I devised my plan. Selfishly, I made a little tweak, ensuring that Damon would join me here and if the rest didn't work out, at least I would have him forever.

Bonnie's pov:

The sun began to set and as I had promised, I left Jeremy in the shelter and joined Damon next to Elena's body.

He hadn't moved for an entire week. Two weeks we had been here, with no sign of any opportunity to leave. We could build a raft, but without knowing where we were, that could mean certain death.

As soon as darkness reached every nook and cranny of our island, the air in front of us started to shimmer. I felt my eyes widen as Elena appeared in front of us and I heard Damon sigh. "Elena...." She floated closer and stretched out her hand, but I knew instinctively that she couldn't touch us and we couldn't touch her.

Damon spoke to me, his eyes still on Elena's ghostly form. "You see her, right?" I nodded before I remembered that it was dark and he wouldn't be able to see me. "Yes, Damon, I do." Elena moved away from Damon and towards me, making me lift my chin automatically to show that I was stronger than her if she tried anything weird. "'s Silas. That's why I'm not dead. That's why I might be able to come back. You can bring us back once he is taken care of." Damon shifted towards us and I glanced in his general direction. "Who is us, Elena?"

"Elena and I, Bonnie. Maybe, if I am with her wherever she is, we can kill this Silas." Damon was trying to rationalize his death. "But," I objected, "you don't even know who or where Silas is!" Elena smiled faintly.

Every move she made seemed to be faint.

Spirit like.

"That's where you come in, Bon. You can bring him here." I shook my head; this was a bad idea. Damon was going to end up dead just like Elena. Unless she wasn't necessarily dead anymore. "I don't know, Elena." I looked down at her body in Damon's arms. She was still beautiful, it was almost as if she was just sleeping. She hadn't turned grey like all the other vampires I watched die had. Damon's arms tightened around her and I peered up at his face. "She's gone, just like every morning."

We really had been out here all night? I touched Elena's cheek and watched the skin under my fingertips glow. "She's not a ghost, Damon. Elena, the Elena that floats around at night is an angel. She's really not dead. More in limbo I guess you could say."

The sun was rising rapidly and before I knew it, it was daybreak. Damon, for the first time in weeks, stood up stiffly, carefully laying Elena back down.

"Let's do this," he said.

Jeremy's pov:

I was trying to find hot coals in the pit from last night to rekindle the fire when Damon and Bonnie approached me. They weren't too far away originally, sitting as always with Elena's body.

I mean, sure I was sad about Stefan killing her, but everybody else has died around me, so I guess it was a longtime coming. Vicki, Anna....

"Jeremy." I was forced back to the present as Damon's words were directed to me, "What are you doing? Nothing as usual, I'm sure."

Sighing, I turned to face him. "What do you want, Damon? Just go back to mourning my sister." I expected him to wince, but instead he smirked, his eyes widening. "Nah, I think I'll stick to bothering you, kid."

My feet crunched the kindling that I had gathered as I moved closer to him. "I'm not a kid, Salvatore." He raised his hands and smirked again. "Oh, we're moving onto last names now, Gilbert?" he mocked, "I don't think I'm ready for that. Facebook status update: our relationship is now switched to it's complicated."

His hands were held loosely at his sides; he was totally at ease, not picking a fight.

Or didn't seem to be.

That was the way that Damon Salvatore played.

"Damon, just go back to your dead fiancé." I expected that one to break his cool front at least a little, but his grin only got wider.

He really had lost it. "Aw, come on, Jere-Bear, aren't you going to beg me to take you back?" I rolled my eyes, now he was just being childish. "You're gonna have to do better than that, Salvatore." Damon sighed, shaking his head regretfully. "Fine, fine. We'll do this differently, Jere-Bear."

He stepped closer to me, pushing his face closer to mine. "You know who killed Vicki? The first time it was me, then the second time, guess what?" He paused for dramatic effect. "That was me too!"

My hands curled into fists on their own accord, regardless of the fact that I knew he was just trying to get me angry. "And as for Anna? I shoved a stake through her heart and watched her crumble into a mummified vampire!"

My breath caught in my anger and I shoved Damon back.

Or tried to. He didn't move.

"Gilbert, come on now. I'm not one of the wimpy ones. Not like Steffy. My brother only drinks bunnies." I shook out the sleeve of my shirt and looked Damon dead in the eye. "At least Stefan makes friends. You, Damon, just make enemies."

He smirked almost in victory and I stabbed the wooden stake that I had hidden in my sleeve directly through his heart.

"No more second chances, Salvatore."

I heard Bonnie scream, but it was done now, there was no going back.

The oldest Salvatore brother was dead.

Expecting Damon to lash out at me as he fell to the ground, I twisted the stake in further, forcing a grimace onto Damon's face.

"Thanks, Gilbert," he said and his eyes closed.

So, Elena and Damon are dead now?!

So sad :'(

Hearts <3

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