Tokyo Revengers 1

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              There was a loud yell from out front

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              There was a loud yell from out front. I'm sure it's just the neighbors. Baji usually bothers Mikey to fight him often. As I ignore the yelling and continue getting ready for school, I hear my mom yell over to me. "Remember that today I'll be working late. Ray will be here with you and the kids." Mom always works late. Her no good boyfriend doesn't help pay any bills so mom has to work two jobs to make ends meat.   I've tried getting a couple different jobs but the school doesn't allow students without approval to work so it's been tough.

I grabbed my bags and headed out. "Bye mom." I said as I put my shoes on and was out the door.

There they where, a black haired boy pestering the blonde. "Mikey just come on! One round!" He yelled. "Baji. We should go." I heard them as I passed. "Kay" I heard from behind. It was Baji. "Good morning" he grinned with his vang out. I rolled my eyes. "Morning Mikey...Baji" I said. "Ahh come on? Mikey didn't even greet you!" He whined.

"Morning Kay." Mikey smiled at me as they followed along behind. Not long after a taller boy met the two. "Oh hey Kay good morning." Draken greeted. "Morning" I smiled and blushed a bit.
"Really for Draken?" Baji yelled again. I mean I can't help it Draken is quite cute. With the mix of bad boy. Who wouldn't like that.

I turned to face the two and stuck my tongue out at Baji. "Whhhat!? Why are you fucking like this! You bit-" he was about to finish before Draken stopped him. "Now we shouldn't call her that." He said pushing his palm into Baji face. Baji let out a growl in anger but gritted his teeth.

Mitsuya came up behind us as we all walked. "Wait up guys!" He yelled as he caught up out of breath.
All of us happen to be going to same direction. I don't even know if they attended school any longer to be honest. They just formed their "gang" and all happen to have matching uniforms on.

I'm assuming they have "business" to handle or something

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I'm assuming they have "business" to handle or something.

Mikey caught up to me and turned "Kay?" He asked. I hummed in response giving him eye contact as we continued walking.
" you like Draken don't you?" He smirked with a raised eyebrow.
Drakens face flushed red as he yelled "Mikey!" In his deep voice. "WwhHaat?!" I yelled back. "You do don't you? Why don't you guy go out?" He nudged me into Draken. I shook my hands as I blushed "no no it's not like that at all. I think he's cute but but no no." My blush deepened as I ran away.

Baji face grow angry as he watched me run off. "She thinks your cute?" He yelled "yeah what are you going to do?" Draken questioned him in a slightly superior tone. "Tch! Nothing" he said his knuckles white from how hard he was clenching his fits.

Kazutora rung his arm around Baji, " don't stress man. We can make her fall in love with you" he grinned at his bummed out friend. "I don't need her to love me." Baji said sharply. Showing his hurt feelings.
The other boys chuckled at him as they continued on.

 The other boys chuckled at him as they continued on

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