Tokyo Revengers 22

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The hide out was cleared my fathers men where dead

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The hide out was cleared my fathers men where dead. Bodies scattered the floor as we exited the house on the outskirts of Tokyo.

"I found your grandfather in a ditch after your father shot him. I had went to go see him after your dad came to talk to Toman. But your grandfather had already left, I went inside to get a clue of where he went and I saw his note to you."

I am going a bit out of the way today, I won't be home till late. It's off on the outskirts of town. By that meadow looking area.

Love grandpa

"After Mitsuya found me we went to speak with a former friend of mine. Bonten former leader and father of the current leader and we made a deal."

"But my father said he shot you. Aren't you hurt?"

"Yes your father shot me, but you think I'm a idiot. Your father was never good at kill shots to the chest. pathetic excuse of a shot he did was hit the vest I had on. Head shots are the most important shot"

I was speechless, I didn't know what to even think. I can't believe they did this. I can't believe I got out of this.

"Where's Baji is he alright? He was with me when they came."

"Baji is fine, he went back to Valhalla. He knew they taken you and he was there when your father came to speak to us." Mikey tone was upset.

Bonten had set out to help thin out the Black Fenix. They wanted them gone they where a problem and they didn't want them around. They had agreed to help because it worked out in their benefit the only issue was in the battle my father had escaped by the whites of his teeth.

"You're father made it out alive." Draken said looking down at me.
"We're not sure going back home is safe" Mikey looked at me.
"You're right. But we aren't going home. That's the first place he'll be expecting us. We're not going to be in Tokyo at all actually."
This was a side of my grandfather I had never seen.

We had all made it to this small run down looking apartment. "Where is this?" I had asked
"Oh it's just a place I kept just in case."
"You can never be to careful dear it's just a precaution. Kyo should be here."

Things settled down and we sat and ate dinner and really just spent time with each other.
Kyo was off talking to Mikey and Draken while me, Mitsuya and Hakkai sat near the sliding glass door blowing out our smoke.

Once night fell everyone had fallen asleep. They had scattered around the room sleeping soundly. The plan was to stay just the night, apparently grandfather had been regrouping men he once lead to take down my father and once he got the ok we all would go home.


I was in the bedroom when a knock came from the door.

I opened it to find Takashi standing there.
"We're still going to fight Valhalla the day after tomorrow." He said to me

I reached for his face and he nuzzled it into my palm.

"Are you worried?"
"There is more then just a fight happening I can feel it in my stomach"

He leaned forward and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and intensified our kiss.
"I've missed you so much" he said as he pulled apart from me.
"Please." He lifted my chin to meet his gaze "please don't leave me again."
"I'm sorry." I whispered

As we kissed again I pulled off his shirt and pulled him on top of me.
"Show me how much you've missed me"
He bit into my neck causing a moan out of me. He covered my mouth with his hand as he continued. "You have to be quiet or they'll hear you"

He removed my black crop exposing I was no longer in a bra. His lips clung to my nipple as his tongue started to flick it in his mouth. I wiggled underneath him as his free hand held my bare breast. As he continued my core started to soak achingly craving him, muffled I say "fuck me" with his hand still placed on my mouth. I felt him grow on top of me poking me in the stomach.

He removed his hands and mouth from me as he undid his pants and lowered his boxers to show he was hard. He pulled my bottoms off and rubbed against me. My juices covering the tip "you're already so wet." He growled as he slipped in. I moan lightly covering my own mouth this time my eyes wide as his pace increased.
I pressed my eyes tightly shut as the feeling started to build in my stomach.
"You're so tight" he whispered as I felt his full length shove into me hard.
My hands squeezed his writs as I clenched down on him.
"Open your eyes. I want you to look at me while you cum on my dick"
I opened my eyes and said "I'm cumming"

He crashed his lips onto mine as he slowed his pace down allowing me to moan into his mouth as he moaned into mine.

"If you keep clenching like that I'm going to" he pulled off my lips biting his lower lip increasing his speed. "F-uhKKK" we both said as he exploded his load inside of me.

As his dick continued to twitch inside of me and I could feel his warm seed dripping out of me he pulled himself out.

I placed my hand on his cheek looking into his lilac eyes "I guess you missed me that much"

He smiled as he fixed himself and sat on the bed beside me.
"It's best I go back out there."
I giggled "sure like they won't know what happened in here"
"You think they heard"
"Doesn't matter if they did you have been gone awhile if they noticed you where gone"

" I giggled "sure like they won't know what happened in here" "You think they heard""Doesn't matter if they did you have been gone awhile if they noticed you where gone"

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