Tokyo Revengers 7

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              It's been a couple weeks since everything happened with Ray and my mother threw me out

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              It's been a couple weeks since everything happened with Ray and my mother threw me out. Lucky for me my grandfather agreed to let me live with him. With one requirement to help work at his junkyard which wasn't to bad.
This isn't my mother's father either so I have no communication to her any longer. My grandfathers house was across town so I wouldn't be close to her or Ray. But that also meant I wouldn't see Baji or Mikey and Emma as often either.

It was the first official day of summer, I no longer had any school to attend. Well not until summer cram classes in two weeks so all my days would be filled with was to work at the junkyard a couple hours.

Takashi💜morning. Wanna hangout ?
Me:      Good morning, Sure.
Takashi💜: Ill be by in a 30 to pick you up.

I let down my hair, my long black and purple hair fell from its messy bun. My side bang covering my right eye now. I stood in front of my full length mirror thinking of what to wear and how to do my hair. Let's be real here I didn't do my hair almost ever. No matter how cute I dressed or not it was one of a few ways. Freshly air dried and my curls would show or messy wavy and my bangs pinned to the side or I'd straighten it. Nothing really special.

I decided on mid thigh high socks my black skirt a black spaghetti crop top. My signature I wear almost only crop tops unless I'm in my school uniform.
(If you don't like dressing in all black change the color. But I'm emo so I enjoy it)

I went with a all natural hair. My fluffy curls slightly wild as I put in some oils to help calm them. I pinned the top half as I pulled it back leaving my bangs covering my right eye. I took one more spin around in the mirror and content with my outfit I went to the kitchen.

I found a note:


I went to the yard early.
We had a bunch of cars dropped off. Come in around 4/5. See you later.

Love grandpa

Once I hear the bike coming down the street I made my way out front. To find Mitsuya smiling at me. He removed his helmet that was hanging around his neck and handed it to me to wear.
"It's going to mess up my hair." I whined as I placed it on my head.
"You're hair will be fine."

The morning was already warming up, as we drove down the street. My arms wrapped around his waist tightly to make sure I don't fall.
"Where are we going ?" I asked as we stopped at a light.
"You'll see." He smiled.

God could he be any cuter?

We arrived at this nice shop and took a seat inside. It had all kinds of pastries and everything looked absolutely delicious.
Our waiter came to take our orders and headed to the back.

I looked back over to the lilac haired boy. Who has been staring at me.
"Is something on my face?"
He laughed "no. You just look really nice."
My face burned bright red as our waiter returned with our food. My eyes lit up as I looked over at how delicious it was. "Omgosh it looks so good." I said taking a bite of my food.

As we enjoyed our food and finished up we walked back out to his bike to find Baji and Kazutora.
"Morning guys" I greeted the two boys. Who both flashed their smiles at me.
"Morning Kay." Kazutora said as he lazily leaned forward on his bike.
"Morning there princess." Baji cheekily said to me causing me to roll my eyes. "I love how you play hard to get" he mocked. "Don't you ever get tired of hitting on me Baji?" I laughed.
"Never." He smiled again.

"What's up you guys?" Mitsuya asked
"Mikey called a meet up. We told him we'd grab you since we knew you'd be out for breakfast" Baji replied.
Mitsuya turned to me "you want me to take you home or you want to come along?"
I gave him a warm smile "if I'm allowed to be there I'll come."
"Alright get on." He said as he mounted his bike.

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