Tokyo Revengers 14

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Yui and I headed to the mall

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Yui and I headed to the mall. She was going on and on about some guy in summer classes she thought was cute when she noticed I wasn't really paying attention.
"You're not still thinking about that gang guy are you?"
"N—no why?"
She turned to face me. "Really Kay? Do you not remember what happened. Could you really"
"Just drop it. I miss Takashi. That's all. I think I loved him." I let a sad sigh out.
"You weren't even dating him don't continue thinking about him. Let's find you someone else"

From behind the lilac haired boy heard. She loved me? He thought.

Shiba placed his hand on Mitsuya "I heard man. You okay?" The royal blue haired boy looking down at his captain.

Shiba was kind, he meant well he was pretty shy so I didn't talk to him much.
The small conversations with Shiba weren't enough to get a good idea of who he is. I knew a couple things he's proud to be in Toman and he trust Mitsuya with his life and I mean he can fight. But that's a great amount of Toman what else is new.

Mitsuya watched as we turned the corner disappearing behind the wall.
"She just never said anything to me. No explanation nothing. She won't even look at me" Mitsuya continued walking to the intended store he was at the mall for.

They pushed past the racks making their way to the back. Beside the employees door there was a second door and that's where they had been heading to.

The back room of this clothing store was a underground arcade. They had been looking to speak with someone and this is where they stay. Once their business was handled they exited the same door they entered from. Discussing things amongst one another.

They came to a stop due to the feeling of someones presents in front of them.

Our eyes met. Time felt like it stopped.

He was so gorgeous. His lilac hair out grow in the back the front falling perfectly around his face, that earring on the left ear. His Toman shirt pressed nicely. The top button left unbuttoned exposing the top of his chest. Two sterling silver rings on his middle fingers on each hand. It felt like I was gasping for air staring at him.

As I looked into his lilac eyes melting under their gaze

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As I looked into his lilac eyes melting under their gaze.

I quickly snapped out of it, snapping my head in the other direction. Yui wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me away.

"Wait!" He yelled reaching for my fingers. "Please" he begged holding on to the tip of my middle finger.
"Please Mitsuya. Let me go." Tears forming in my eyes.

"Look at me." He pressed.
I knew if I looked at him again I would break. I would fall apart and collapse in his arms. He didn't do anything wrong but staying away from Toman meant staying away from him too.

I had been told many years before this by my grandfather when I started living at his house that being friends with the gangs cost you. Cost you your life, your families, your friends lives. Gangs are a sick group of people and the way things had turned since Shinochiro passing it had gotten worse. Grandfather was right, I paid my debit with befriending these delinquents. Not that being their friend was awful and miserable, I loved them. I love Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Pah, Chifuyu, smiley, Angry. I mean all of them.
I had been around since they started with just Mikey, Baji, Mitsuya, Draken, Pah and Kazutora.

Countless nights I'd be there aiding in dumb fights. I'd be there to keep a look out for cops. Be apart of meetings well at least present for them. I was much apart of Toman as I could get without being a actual member.

Let's face it I was going to snap. "Please." He tugged on my finger again. If Yui wasn't holding me I would already be wrapped up in his arms. Melting in his embrace.

"Let's go Kay. You shouldn't be associating with them anymore"

Her words offended him. They sounded sharp, hateful, laced with poison and meant to kill. She glared at the two Toman members pulling me away as she continued her hateful stare.

I'm not a bad person. I didn't do anything. If I did she never told me what it was I just want answers. Please talk to me.

 Please talk to me

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