Tokyo Revengers 2

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   As it actually happened they did have business to handle

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As it actually happened they did have business to handle. They meet up with the last member Pah at the park near the jr high school I attended. As I made my way up to 1-s3 and took my seat near the 3rd window from the front I saw the boys standing there with another group of boys in their own matching jackets.

Oh geez they're going to get into a fight aren't they. I thought to myself taking my seat. I've actually known Mikey and Baji for awhile I mean we are all neighbors so my older brother and Mikeys are friends they where in the same class so I would go over to Mikeys often to grab my brother for dinner. Well before our lives fell apart. After our father left us and our mom decided it was time to date again she found this no good crap guy who got her pregnant and she had twins. Don't get me wrong I love my siblings but their father is worthless and now I'm just another burden in the house.

I was staring out the window at the blonde boy who lunged forward and kicked a guy in the face. I must have made a expression when he did because it caught the attention of my home room teacher. "Mrs. Nagito if you're done watching the brutes please read chapter 12 for us." The class snickered at me as I started to read.

Finally it was lunch time. I had made my way down the hall to the stairs when I ran head first into Draken. Rubbing my forehead I looked up "Draken! Im so sorry. I wasn't looking" I said in a panic. He placed both hands behind his head and laughed "it's alright Kay. Don't look so worried" he laughed me off as he continued up the stairs.

In the lunch hall I had found my friends and sat down. I let out a sigh and told the girls about my morning. One of them had mention she thought Draken was scary looking and he frightened her while another said she found the dangerous boys to be very intriguing. "Kay you're crazy. They're in a gang you know." My best friend Yui said. "I never said I'd date Draken. I just think he's cute. Mikey is the one who brought it up not me. Relax" I told her. She crossed her arms at me and told me to be careful. "Remember Emma has a thing for Draken. Don't do something that you could end up beaten up over." She warned. "Wow okay relax I told you Draken is cute but I don't want to date him. Emma is very much so safe she doesn't have to worry I'm not moving in on her territory."

We wrapped up lunch and I headed over to the library. I didn't have a class right now so I was going to get some studying in. Until I heard a voice call out to me. As I turned I saw the lilac hair boy in his school uniform.

"Mitsuya what are you doing here?" I questioned

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"Mitsuya what are you doing here?" I questioned. " I go to school here" he laughed. I crossed my arms as I leaned against the wall behind me. "Well smart ass I know that. I meant I saw you all out front I didn't think you'd be coming to school after." He laughed again and told me his favorite class was home eco so of course he'd be back.

"You know for being a delinquent I didn't think you'd care much about that. Full of surprises aren't you." I smiled. "You know, it isn't nice to judge someone by what you see on the outside" he returned the smile. "I'll walk with you to your class" I offered. "What!? I'm not a girl I don't need to be walked" he joked trying to cover up his blush. "Yeah you're right but I don't have a class this period, So I figured I'd kill time and walk with you." I wrapped my arm around his and headed down the hallway to home eco.

" I wrapped my arm around his and headed down the hallway to home eco

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