Tokyo Revengers 11

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               His hot breath on my neck. My breathing heavy.
"You feel so good"
Muffled moans under covers. Deep passionate kisses, leaving strings of saliva attaching us to one another.


Standing there before Takashi in a towel.
I pressed my damp body against his. "Do you want me to stop?" I exhale.
His breathing hitched as his pants grew uncomfortable. "P pa please." He moans
I pull his face into mine. Smashing our lips together. "I- want- you!" I say between breaths.

The surge of energy he gained from hearing those words, he shoved me into my bed. Taking off his Toman jacket and his white shirt underneath. Leaving him with his pants on above me.

He undoes my towel exposing my freshly cleaned body. My nipples hard from the cold air hitting them as I lay there bare. His member continuing to grow. He rubbed lightly at my center with his bulge. Causing me to bite my lower lip at him. I twitch at the contact. "Don't tease" my eyes begging to be penetrated.

"Tell me, is this what you really want?"
I nodded my head at him as we continue kissing deeply. He pulled from my lips string of saliva attaching us.
"No I want you to say it." He growled.
Bitting my lower lip as I rub my clit "I want you, I want you to fill me."

He unlooped his belt and unbuttoned his pants as I pulled them off of his tight and muscular body. Feeling up and down his abs as I did so.
His member sticking right through his boxers.
It looks so big
I thought as he adjusted himself to push in.
"Are you ready?" He asked holding his dick in his hands as he's inches away from my opening.
I threw my legs around him shoving him within me. He threw his head back grunting at the tightness wrapping around him.
"Fuck" he grabbed onto the bedding underneath us. As he started thrusting into me. Causing sounds from inside of me to grow louder.
"Fuck Takashi. Right there." I moan into his ear to make sure it's not so loud.

"You feel so good" he moans in return.
The build up was at its peak my fingers pressing into his hands as he holds them beside my head. "That's right cum for me" he said as he increases his speed.

The force he was using was definitely loud at this point. If it wasn't our breathing it was the sound of his pushing into me harshly as he was nearing his limit.

"I'm going to cum." He was just about to pull out of me when I clamped down on him harder tighter. He let of a moan digging his own fingers into my wrists, his head thrown back, eyes shut tightly as he unable to pull out filling my insides with his warm sticky juice.

He collapsed on top of me my fingers running through his lilac hair. Our heart beats matching speeds as our breathing heavy.

We turn to the clock to see ...



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