Tokyo Revengers 8

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       Summers been flying by

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Summers been flying by. I spent a good amount of summer working at grandfathers junkyard or going to the cram classes. If I wasn't busy with any of that I'd be helping care for Tomans members. Those boys have no sense of time I guess. It would be 1am and I'd get a call from Baji explaining his issue and he'd show up at the front door. The same went for the rest of them.

This time I happened to already be out with Emma, Mikey, Draken and Pah. I looked at the time on my cellphone and let out a sigh. 11:30 pm.
"Don't tell me. You're going to go now?" Emma whined.
"Yeah it's pretty late and I have classes in the morning."
"You're no fun. You should enjoy summer not go to school all summer."

Mikey turned to join in on our conversation "I'll make it worth your time if you stay." He winked.
"Oh really and how would you manage to make it worth it?" The boys all turned to each other whispering. Then Mikey dramatically turned "okay!" He clapped his hands.

Stood there with a big toothy and dumb grin on his face. By the line of buttons of Drakens shirt he pulled him and threw him at me. Causing Draken to fall on top of me crushing me beneath him.
"Mikey!?" Draken yelled.
I watched frozen as Draken apologizes over and over again getting off of me. As I blush I simply nod making words would been hard at the moment.
"What the hell Mikey? that isn't what we talked about!"
"I know Kenny, but I changed my mind" Mikey let out a chuckle and smiled.

You could see it all over Emma face she wasn't pleased with her brothers choice of prank. Her body language was obvious. Her arms crossed at her chest and she was shifting her weight back and forth from foot to foot. Huffing as she did. That once smile was now a straight face, with her eyes low and annoyed.
"I'm sorry. I I didn't know Mikey would throw him at me" I apologized for something not in my control at all. She knew her brother and knew how he was so if she's mad at me, I can't change that.
"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad that Mikey knows I like Draken and he's doing it to hurt my feelings. Let's go home"
"Yeah it's late we should."

As we got up to start leaving the three males noticed. "Ay so who's taking you home?" Mikey tone was annoyed and slightly angry.
I turned with a smile "I don't need someone to take me home. We're close to my house."
"Okay and you Emma?"
She didn't respond she continued walking ignoring her brothers question. She wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me forward. "Ay, Pah take Emma home. Draken and I will go with Kay" he nodded and followed after Emma who still had my arm with hers.

"Let's go Emma, I'm taking you home."
"The hell you are."
"PAH IS TAKING YOU HOME. THATS FINAL!" Mikey voice was so stern and so angry.
Mikey pulled me apart from Emma and hopped on his bike. "You'll ride behind Draken" I blushed again. "This baby is just for me." He said rubbing the front of his moped.

It doesn't matter the name Mikey gave it

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It doesn't matter the name Mikey gave it. It was so funny watching him on his slow little red moped. "You gotta get a real bike Mikey" Draken yelled over rolling his eyes as Mikey slowly catches up.

My arms wrapped lightly around Draken. He looked back at me a second.
"Hey, I'm sorry Mikey keeps doing things like this to you. He's just he's — argh he's just being a kid about it."
I let go of his waist with one arm and I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's alright, I just hate how it really upsets Emma."

As we pulled up to my grandfathers house I saw a black hair male standing in the front yard along with a second silhouette.
Who the hell is that?

"Ay who the fuck is that?" Draken asked.
"I don't know."
As we pulled closer and closer I realized it was Kyo and Shinichiro smoking.
I hopped off Drakens bike and ran straight into Kyo's arms.
"Kyo! I can't believe you're here!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.
"Hey kid. Been awhile. You alright?" I nodded my head into his torso without letting go of him.
"Ay why the hell didn't you tell me about Ray?" He pulled me off of him.
I turned my head away and stumbled on my words.
"I..I didn't wannnt you to hu.. worry about me." He could see how physically sad I had gotten and pulled me back into a hug. "Tch...Idiot." He said
Draken and Mikey joined us and I introduced them.
"Kyo this is Mikey and Draken. I'm sure you remember Mikey at least a little."
Kyo let out a laugh "you haven't gotten much taller Mikey." Causing Shinichiro and Kyo to laugh loudly together.
Draken and I tried our best to keep our laughter to ourselves because we didn't want to upset Mikey.

He didn't get upset though. He knew it wasn't meant to be taken that way as well as he is one of Shinichiro best friends and oldest friends so he wouldn't do anything to upset his brother.

"I'm kidding. It's nice to see you Mikey and it's nice to meet you Draken. I'm Kay's older brother the best looking sibling" he winked.
I rolled my eyes "dream on. I'm the better looking one." We all laughed.

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