Tokyo Revengers 24

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It's been a couple weeks since we laid Baji to rest

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It's been a couple weeks since we laid Baji to rest. Nothing felt the same but we continued forward. The feelings we all held inside had made it hard to be the people we use to be.

Being delinquents was one thing but full blown thugs was something else. I leave that there to explain the situation that had unfolded.

I have always been there for Toman countless times. This was the first time I actually acted in the name of Toman. No orders but action first and thinking later.

A brawl between a couple wannabe thugs against Mitsuya, Hakkai, Takemichi, Peh, Mikey and Draken.

I got a 911 text message shortly after the brawl started and I rushed to their location in my car.
I found Takashi bleeding on the ground as Hakkai beat one of the remaining thugs to unconsciousness. The others fled because they are most definitely wannabes with no backbone to their names or actions.

"What happened!!!?" I yelled flying out of my car kneeling beside Takashi.
"He was stabbed by one of those guys in a surprise attack. They had gotten him from the back while he was focused on the first guy who was after Peh."

Takemichi eyes where watering as he tried to explain everything to me.
I gritted my teeth at the thought "where are these guys from!?" I yelled.

Draken cleared his throat to interrupt "they're rockies wanting to join Valhalla."

"Kay we need to take him to the hospital."

They placed Mitsuya in the backseat of my car.
"Apply pressure until we get there." Hakkai nodded as I sped all the way there. Shortly Mikey, Draken and Takemichi joined.

Out front a roar could be heard as all of the second division waited for their caption out side.

"Takemichi the guy who stabbed Takashi what did he look like?"

"Kay don't get any fucking ideas." Mikey voice was stern and serious with a expression to match.

"I'm not going to do anything relax

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"I'm not going to do anything relax."

Once everyone had gotten the news Takashi is going to be alright and he is lucky they missed anything serious to cause to much damage. He would be discharged that evening.

I took Takemichi home, "tell me what the guy looked like."
"He was a bigger guy split dyed hair one side was red the other black. You uh you're not going to do anything are you? Mikey said not to."
I nodded at him, "relax you big baby. Don't even worry."

I drove myself home. I left my keys, wallet, and phone at home and I changed into old cheap pair of black shoes black pants and a black hoodie. I covered my face with a black mask so only my eyes where visible.

I then walked to our second junkyard thats the lot we had all the cars that where going to be crushed the next day. Some of those cars can still run and none of them are registered or identifiable.

I got to the lot around 10:30pm and walked through to the farthest left side of the lot where the cars are kept. I knew we had gotten a car recently that was scheduled to be crushed first thing in the morning and that car ran fairly well. I got into the car and pulled the wires under the steering wheel to turn the car on.

I backed out of the lot where the gate was open and took it for a drive.

I drove pretty far into town near the Valhalla meeting spot. A group of three where leaving the abandoned arcade and there he was a boy with split dyed hair.

I'm going to kill you.

I thought as I mentally blacked out and floored the gas at the three boys. As the boys ran for their lives the split dyed boy pushed one of them out of the way.

If I could have pushed through the floor of the car I would have. My foot laid heavy on the gas as I hit his body. The car hit with a loud thud and the sound of dragging from underneath. I dragged his body under the car 45feet until his body dislodged from the undercarriage of the car. In the process I also crushed the leg of the third boy who had been beside him.

I drove back to the yard as if nothing happened. I rinsed off the car placed it in the platform to be smashed. I removed my mask and hood and walked to Tomans spot.

"Kay!? We've been calling you for hours!" Smiley yelled over

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"Kay!? We've been calling you for hours!" Smiley yelled over.
"Yeah what the hell happened to you?" Yasuhiro yelled at me.
"I left my phone at home. It's not a big deal." I shrugged it off and took a seat next to Chifuyu.
"Takemichi said you seemed off when you dropped him off! What did you do!?" Mikey glared over at me

"You know we can tell that your lying right?" Chifuyu said eyeing me.
"Seriously what's with the 3rd degree. I'm not lying. I just needed some space. A lots been going on and a lot is still happening."
"Yeah and that's why you not answering and your father is still roaming around he could have killed you" Draken eyed me from his height. Emma's arm wrapped his "yeah Kay you know we all where so worried about you." She smiled

"I'm sorry I worried you guys. I swear everything is fine."

The burn out of a all black suv passed us leaving behind smoke in our faces.

"Who the fuck is that!?"

"Who the fuck is that!?"

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