Tokyo Revengers 12

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"You're late!" Mikey yelled over the phone as Mitsuya and I ride to the shrine

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"You're late!" Mikey yelled over the phone as Mitsuya and I ride to the shrine.
"I know Mikey! I'm sorry. We're almost there"

We took a turn and Mitsuya leaned to far into it causing us to lose balance.
We had fallen from the bike and Mitsuya rolled into the grass along side his bike.
I had rolled right into unconsciousness.

I faintly could hear "Kay! Kay! Please wake up Kay" frantically Mitsuya calls Mikey back.
"MIKEY! We crashed!"
Mikey was just about to yell over the phone again but before he could he processed the words Mitsuya yelled.
"Where are you!?"
"Yukai turn"
"We're on the way!"

Mikey looked back at all the toman who stood before him. (Not like there was many at this moment) "Mitsuya and Kay crashed! We need to go"
Everyone hurried to their bikes and took off to Yukai turn.

"Kay?" Mitsuya held my head in his lap.
"Takashi?" I mumble achingly.
"Fuck! You're awake"
"Damn? I'm not dead?" I tried joking.
"That's not funny." His tone was terrified.
Without opening my eyes I reached up and cupped his cheek in one hand. "Don't stress so much. You think a tiny fall like that would take me out?" I laugh but immediately regret it.

Soon the sound of bikes could be heard, "they're here." Mitsuya let out.
"You called Mikey?"
"Yeah I couldn't not tell him."

Now the bikes had made a stop and I heard feet running towards us. "Kay!?" I heard Mikey yell out.
They gathered around us.
"Is she alright?" -Draken
"Is she awake!?" -Pah

My eyes still closed "I'm okay guys. Achey but okay"
They all sighed deeply. "Fuck what the hell happened ?" Mikey yelled.
"I took the turn to hard leaned to into it lost balance." He sounded so angry at himself.
"Look it's okay. I'm okay. Is the bike alright?" I asked
"Who cares about the bike! I could have killed your" Mitsuya eyes started to gloss over.
"Shhh. Don't do that. Everything is okay" I comforted him.

"Alright, let's get out of here. Kay are you okay to move?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah I'll be alright."
Mitsuya helped me to my feet as everyone checked out my cuts.
"Nothing major. I'll be alright you guys"

They all forced me to get checked out. Which meant that they had to call home. Which means I also had to call Kyo. Who was going to be livid with me for sneaking out.

As Kyo made his way to the ER waiting area he found Mikey, Mitsuya, Draken and Pah waiting for me. Emma had switched with Mitsuya to come stay back there with me for a bit.

They all stood up looking over at Kyo. "She's in the back right now.
"No Emma is with her."

Kyo sighed and placed his thumb and index finger pinning the bridge of his nose. "What the hell happened? If I ask Kay she's going to brush this off. Did something happen?"

Mitsuya stood up "it's all my fault. We took a turn and I leaned to far into it causing me to lose balance and slip." He was bowing at Kyo

"Stand up." His tone frightened them. They thought he was going to beat up Mitsuya.
"Alright don't bow there is nothing to apologize for in something like that. I thought gang members tried to attack you while she was there"

I had finally been discharged and slowly walking out the double doors to find all the guys standing there before me. Emma beside me helping me walk she brought me to Kyo.

"You idiot. Why the hell did you need to sneak out? It's not like grandfather cares!"
"I wasn't sneaking out, I just well I just didn't tell anyone anything."
"You sound stupid. You hit your head on the fall too?" He joked.
"Shut up."
"Let's go home. I'm sure you're in pain. We'll have to think of a excuse to explain your current condition to grandfather. You won't be able to work at the junkyard like this."

They followed us to the car.
"Good night you guys." I gave a faint smile.
And a little wink at Takashi. Who blushed in response.

The car ride was full of lectures from Kyo. Mainly to be careful and communicate where I'm going. Asking permission isn't the problem it's being told where who and when I'm going will be at and who is there.

We stopped at a stop light and he looked over at me.

"Also — you should uhhh— use protection or birth control." His tone uncomfortable.
The car now felt less annoyed from a lecture to mortified at the sex talk.
"Kyo!!!! Stop! Omgosh!" I embarrassingly yell.

"Look it's not my fault okay. It's not really something I fucking wanted to hear or know either. Don't make me a fucking uncle! Geez you're a pain seriously."

I couldn't help it I laughed at him, "you're fucking ridiculous you know that Kyo. I use to hear all the high school whores you'd bring home. The ""don't worry my sister is just home. She won't hear us"" jack ass."

He turned red from embarrassment now "you can't be serious?"
"As a heart attack. There was a girl who i swear was crying like pleading. I thought you had been killing the poor chick. I mean for being so ugly I don't know how you brought all those girls home." I joked

"Ugly! You must be fucking blind or really did hit your head. I am so fine."

I laughed but a little to hard causing me to lean forward. "Ouch.. having a good time hurts"

 having a good time hurts"

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