Tokyo Revengers 4

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         Shinichiro called out to Baji to stop and come back over

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Shinichiro called out to Baji to stop and come back over. "This bastard should die for what he's fucking done!" He yelled over. All Shinichiro did this time was say his name again and Baji jumped up and looked down at Ray. "You stupid bastard. You're fucking lucky!" He spit on Ray as he made his way back to Mikeys house.

"Is she okay?" Baji asked pushing through the front door. "She's with Emma." Shinichiro said. "Mitsuya call Draken to come here." Mikey said as he exited the room.

"Kay are you feeling alright? Should we take you to the hospital?" Mikey asked entering the bathroom I was in with Emma. I shock my head no at his question as I couldn't stop sobbing in Emma's arms.

The crying died down and everything's been quite. I found Baji sitting on a chair and I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his waist. Surprised Baji jumped at the sudden contact. "What?! Are you?" He said before he returned the hug and squeezed slightly tight trying not to hurt me. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I I can't repay you or show you how grateful I am. I've been such a bitch to you and you you" sobbing again into his chest. Baji pressed my face gently against him "shhh!" Is all he said. The rest of the gang including Emma and Shinichiro watched in silence.

Ray had finally gotten enough courage to start bullshit again and yell over "if you don't have that little bitch back over here I'll call the cops and have youre little friend arrested for assault" as I started to worry and almost decide to go back over Shinichiro stood up and went outside "if you call the cops I'll show them what you did to Kay. I'll show that you nearly raped a 14 year old girl!" Shinichiro cracked his knuckles "or I'll beat you myself!"

Ray backed off and let out a grunt in anger. Slamming the doors to the house as he left. I bowed in front of Shinichiro "no I'll go back. I don't want to be more of a burden. I am so grateful thank you I don't want to get you guys in more then you already have been I am so"
Shinichiro put his hand in front of my face as Mikey cupped my cheeks. "You aren't a burden. We want to help."
Mitsuya added "we couldn't sit around and let anything happen"

"I would have killed that bastard" Baji said. Emma placed a cup of tea in front of me "drink. It will help calm you down" as she sat beside the cup of tea. I thanked her and everyone again.

Shinichiro looked over towards me "Kyo hasn't been back since he left for college has he?"
"No he hasn't. I barely talk to him now that he's been gone."
"Me either, I think I'll call your brother"
"No please don't. I don't want him to worry. Since father left Kyo had a lot of stress on his plate. I don't want him to have to think about me and stress again"
"He's your brother and he loves you. He should know that fucker tried touching you. Kyo's always hated your moms boyfriend"

I looked down at the ground and knew no matter the effort the leader of the black dragons wasn't going to let this slide and he was going to tell Kyo weather I begged him not to.

Baji barely left my side, he wanted to make sure I felt safe. Especially since Ray was literally next door. Every so often we'd hear him making nose yelling or screaming at the twins. Leaving my two youngest siblings there made me feel such guilt. I was afraid that he was going to hurt them next. I wasn't thinking he'd rape them but take his anger out on them. They are still so very young neither of them would understand why or what they did to cause him to react the way he does.

My cellphone rang and when I looked at the contact calling it was my mother.

I gulped as I was about to answer but Shinichiro took my phone

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I gulped as I was about to answer but Shinichiro took my phone. "Hello Mrs Nagito. This is Shinichiro Sano from next door. Kay is currently at our house because we found Ray on top of her in the shed. She was bleeding and nearly naked. Ray threatened to call the cops and I think it is in best interests you return home. Kay will not leave here until she is safe." He hung up and handed back my phone.

" He hung up and handed back my phone

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