Tokyo Revengers 25

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"It's my father

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"It's my father."

My voice was low, I told everyone to run, we can't stay here he doesn't want to fucking talk.

Not to long after the sounds of shots had been heard.

"He's fucking shooting at us." Takashi yelled.

"Get down Kay."


Here came my grandfather all over again here to finish the job this time. Since the night they saved me, grandfather had been up to something he kept it very hush hush but I'm a teenager and well I have my ways.

"Kay where the hell are you?" I heard a voice approaching.

"Kyo? What are you doing here?"

"You think I hadn't known about all of this by now? Stop talking and more moving" he shoved me low to the ground to crawl away from the situation.

Grandfather and his followers from the Black Fenix and Bonten where all here to finish the job against my fathers rain as leader and hand over the rest of the Black Fenix to Bonten. As gun shots showered the air I made my way towards Mikey and Takashi.
"We have to get out of here."
"You're grandfather is going to kill him." Mikey said.
"Yeah I know." I had no emotion in my response not this time.

Time seem to be going so slow while the air was full of fire.

I had been pulled up from the ground.
"I found her." The man yelled lifting me up into the air.

With a instant Mikey, Takashi, and Draken took him down. Trying to get free I bit the man in the arm. "Let go of me!"

A second man came and pulls me up by the hair earning a grunt from me. The man points his gun to my temple "try something stupid and I'll just spill her brains out here for all of you to see."
Kyo had stopped right in front as the man grinned pleased with his words.

They backed off as they watched him pull me backwards towards the cars.

My father laughed, as he watched me struggle in the grasp of his goon. "Shiro you dumb fool.. this is not what the Black Fenix is suppose to be. You ruined the empire I built and passed on to you!"

"This empire needed a change old man! I was that change!"

I had reached my father he grabbed me by the neck and raised me to his face. "You poor girl, in love with what your grandfather tried to keep you away from. Don't worry honey I will end all these gangs that hurt you. Starting with the Tokyo Mangi gang then I'll take Valhalla and it will all be for you."

I spit in his face "you can go root in hell. Don't do anything for me."
"My you're a fucking brat. It must be the lack of a father figure in your life. Once I left your mother she did just become a regular city whore didn't she? Bringing random men home while your brother had to care for you and look once he left you that new boyfriend of hers did tried to take you too. Maybe you started it maybe you hinted at him and he took the opportunity. Like mother like daughter right?"

"How dare you! You are a horrible person horrible father. I can't wait till you're dead!"
"Don't worry my sweet you'll be dead first."

The struggle continued until my grandfather stepped forward "Shiro let Kay go. She's barely going to be 17 let her go!"
"Stay out of this old man! She's my daughter and I will teach her as I should!"

"Now!!!" He screamed two shots where fired one hitting my father in the leg and the second in the shoulder. He dropped me but not before he shot also.

I was shot in the stomach. A through and through shot, Bleeding out as I gripped my wound laying in a overflowing pool of my own blood. My grandfather shot a final and fatal shot to my fathers head before anyone could make any other moves. Bonten had taken care of my fathers remaining followers as Takashi ran to me.

"Kay!!!" He screamed

"Kay!!!" He screamed

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