Tokyo Revengers 20

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The man in question was my father

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The man in question was my father. Shiro Nagito the head of the Black Fenix.

He stood in front of the Tokyo Mangi gang in a black suit black slacks fancy black shoes a black and red tie with dark sun glasses.

"Manjiro Sano?" My father pointed to Mikey.
"I think we should have a conversation bring Keisuke Baji with you."

They both walked down the path passing Toman men as they made it down to the street.

"Let's have a chat boys. I'm sure you might remember me."
His tone was condescending, filled with superiority.
"Tch." Baji mouthed
"So as you're meeting seems to be unfolding you have a plan yet to rescue the damsel in distress ? Or where you planning on playing some type of movie idea here to save her?"

"Are you planning on keeping her?" Mikey asked.
"Keeping her? She is my daughter you know and she is under age, her grandfather is my father who she's been staying with. I have every right to have her stay with me."

"You abandoned her and Kyo. Left them with their mom who picked a guy over Kay. He nearly raped her. She only went to stay at her grandfathers because that women put Kay out." Baji tone was harsh disrespectful.

"I would take that tone down if I where you kid. I am not playing gang out here in the streets of Tokyo."

Before Baji could say anything else Mikey pushed Baji away a bit.

"What do you want from us, from Toman?" Mikey asked.

"I take it you are the one leading this game of street gang."

The constant mocking was pissing both of them off. Mikey held himself back which is very out of his character. But my father wasn't Moebius he wasn't Osanai it wasn't Valhalla he wasn't Henma. These are grown men with guns at the ready and lawyers already writing up the case files. People with alibis to aid in their freedoms.

What are two teenage boys or over 100 teenage boys to do against these men with a unknown amount of them.

"Tch? So what you just came here to mock our gang? Or you have a point to prove?"
Baji face was angry. That grin he wore was missing he was more then willing to fight this Black Fenix leader right at this moment but how stupid would it be to throw a punch that gets every person in the area filled with holes.

"Fine we'll get straight to the point. You're little gang here is causing quit the problem for my businesses going on. Due to this I'm going to give you two options one you'll work for me your issues will be my issues but you will also do as I say. Or two you will be no more weather that means this gang is not even a after school club or I make you no more that's your pick."

"Work for you? Why would we do that? I have no intentions of being your errand boy. How do we even get in the way of Black Fenix's business?"
Mikey was becoming less willing to listen to my father now.

"Listen little boys playing gang is all well until a real gang comes and wipes you out. I suggest you find out what of the choices you have been given is what you plan on doing. Or maybe Kay will pay the price for you."

"You'd harm your own daughter?" Mikey eyes widen.
"You're a fucking asshole!" Baji snapped

"Oh boys she's just a part of business. Everything has a price and she's yours"

His smirk seemed evil and he let out a chuckle that sounded as if a devil escaped.

His smirk seemed evil and he let out a chuckle that sounded as if a devil escaped

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