Tokyo Revengers 21

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I was kept in a darkened room until a man came in

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I was kept in a darkened room until a man came in. The sudden light change made it hard for me to see. I was squinting as this man who stood before me. His presence felt familiar like I had known him before.

"My.... Kay you have grown into a fine young women"

This man's voice was familiar. Like oh my God!!

"Father?" I gasped

"Always a daddy's girl. It's been some time sweetie you have had some really tough things going on"

"How come you kidnapped me?"

"I didn't kidnap anyone. My men simply went out to find you and took you in."

"Find me is one thing but forcefully take me is what happened they threw Baji into a wall then they knocked me out!"

"Yes, you're right they did knock you out. That was harsh I'm sorry sweetie."

I could hear it in his tone. He hated talking to me, I could feel his presence become angry and hateful.

"What do you want from me?" I changed my tone to match his unpleasant one.

"Ah I see to the point." He rubbed his chin as he continued to glare over at me.

"I want to take over Toman."

"What ? And what do I have to do with that? I'm not a Toman member?"

"See that's where you're wrong, it has everything to do with you Kay. You're very valuable to them."

"And you'd use me to get to them? What kind of father are you?"

"I am the leader of the Black Fenix. Being your father is nothing to me."

His words hurt, I knew he hasn't cared about me in years. He walked out of our lives so Kyo and I knew he didn't want us. He had yelled things like that as he packed his bags and drove off the last time I saw him.

I didn't look at him I kept my eyes on the floor as he continued on about being a leader and all he's had to give up to take on that role.

He grabbed me by the roots of my hair and forced me to look at him again. "You aren't going to say anything to your father Kay!?" He yelled

"I don't have anything to say Shiro."

He slapped me in the face. "You have no place calling my by my first name. Bitch"
As my lip bled down my chin I did nothing in his grasp just basically limp.

"I don't want to be here. Let me go home"

"You are home, sweetie. You live here now" he opened his arm to show me my room I had already been in.

"I don't want to live here. I want to go back grandfathers house"

"You can't"

"Why not!?"

"H E' S D E A D!"

Those words echoed for awhile in my head as I tried to process them.
My grandfather is dead? But but how? He killed my grandfather? His father... he killed him?

"What why? What happened ?" I pleaded

"Please stop sobbing like that. It's unsettling."

"What happened to him?"

"I shot him of course. He didn't want to turn you over to me so I shot him in a ditch"

"You're a monster. How dare you."

"I'm not a monster. I am a leader. I am the god to these men. I make choices to move forward. I'm changing the Black Fenix and it starts by taking Toman taking over those kids playing gangs and all of Tokyo will be run by the Black Fenix."

Suddenly there was gun fire from downstairs, yelling and a large door being thrown open.
My father let go of me as he turned to exit the room. "Stay here or you'll die." He said before he slammed my door shut.

I'll take my chances with whatever is out there then what's in here you fucking bastard!

I tried pushing through the door that was shut in front of me. I took a drawer from the dresser and smacked the door knob with it as hard as possible knocking the knob to the ground.
Yess! I celebrated.

I poked my head out in the hallway to hear continuous screams. The sound of bodies dropping with every scream and gun shot.

"Draken go up the stairs see it Kay is up there." I heard from below.
Draken! I had rushed out of the room to meet the eyes of a dragon tattooed head man. "Oh Draken" I yelled as I fell into his arms. I can't believe I had been found.

"How did you guys do this? Find me, save me?"
Draken pointed at two men at the bottom on the stairs. "Takashi !?" I yelled I let out a gasp "grandfather!? My father said he killed you"

"That worthless son of mine knows nothing about being a true gang leader. I told you from the beginning being attached to a gang cost you a lot sweetie and I wasn't lying. I have been there."

Draken let go of me so I could wrap my arms around both my grandfather and Takashi.

Draken let go of me so I could wrap my arms around both my grandfather and Takashi

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