Tokyo Revengers 3

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[[{warning. This chapter contains rape.}]]
If you have a trigger about it I don't think this is a chapter you should read.

              It was finally the weekend. It's suppose to be a relief to have two days off but for me the idea of being home all day, for two whole days was a punishment. Mom works double shifts or more on weekends to bring in extra money while her no good boyfriend does as he pleases. If he goes out it isn't so bad. I am stuck watching the twins but that is a lot better then him being here.

Unfortunately he had other plans. As my mom was getting ready to leave for work she popped into my room. "Morning honey. I'll be leaving in a few just wanted to let you know I won't be home till tomorrow. So please help Ray with the twins." I sleepily nodded my head at her as she shut my door.

A hour or so must have gone by I had went back to sleep until my door opened again and with a violent thud I heard Ray. "Where the hell is your mom?" He yelled at me.

I shot up in bed and looked over at the drunk and probably high man. His brown eyes low and sunken in. "She's at work." I replied. "Tch!"is all he said. As he looked me over. "Get out!" I yelled at him. He's always been a creep to me but since my older brother left for college it's gotten worse. Ray always made me feel uncomfortable but I was safe as long as Kyo was around.

Before anything else happened the twins had started to cry and Ray rolled his eyes. "You should get them" he told me.
"They're your children you should get them." I spat back. "Take some responsibility be a man" I yelled.
"I'll show you a man!" He yelled back as he pushed through my room and landed on top of me. Pinning me beneath my covers.

I felt his skinny long fingers run up and down my comforter feeling me up slightly.

Please no! Get off me.

I fought back but struggling was tough as I could barely move. "If you scream you'll scar the twins. We wouldn't want that would we?" His tone was harsh low and Predatorial. "Get the hell off of me" I tried shoving him off. "Ha you think that that will save you?"

Hes going to rape me. I have to fight!

My mind ran into a panic as I continued to fight him off of me. "Let this happen. You should want to please me. I am the man of this house." He said. "Man! Your no man! You are a worthless bum!"
He slapped me repeatedly until my nose started to bleed. He pushed his face against mine crashing his lips into me. He wrapped his thin fingers around my throat as he adjusted his body against mine. He started crushing my windpipe leaving me gasping for air.

God no please. Someone save me!

I squeezed my eyes tightly as tears pushed through. "Cry all you want but I'll leave you crying for me" he said. "You're disgusting!" I choked out. My airways closing my eyes started to see dark circles my face turning purple. I was nearly passing out when the front door had banging on it.

The twins in the living room screamed as the banging continued. Ray jumped off of me as he went to check the front door.

Gasping for air I sat up in bed trying to keep my head straight. I finally was stable enough as I scrambled to put on clothes and jumped out my bedroom window. I barely made it down the drive in front of the shed when he found me. He must have seen me through the side window of the house.

"Where the hell do you think you're going? I'm not done with you" Ray said. Since I wasn't fully recovered from being nearly choked to death I was weak, slower then I would be. As I stumbled through to get away. Ray caught my ankle and caused me to slam into the pavement. Slowly he dragged me to the shed. "Come on you'll get to feel all of me." He said.

His body pinned me once again to the floor of the shed. I could feel his bulge between his legs pushing at my core. As he started tearing through my clothes exposing my bra and nearly taking off my bottoms. I bit him in the struggle as he punched me in response. My muffled grunts from being punched in the face to release him caused the bite of my teeth to tighten. He let out a yell. "Knock it off you bitch!" He punched me in my stomach causing me to release him and I in turn yelled.

In the struggle Mikey and Baji happen to be in his yard. Baji took it upon himself to peek over the fence and see what all the noise was. To his surprise he saw Ray on top of me pushing himself closer and closer to my core. Without warning to Mikey, Baji jumped over to recuse me leaving Mikey confused on what was going on. Mikey also jumped the fence to back up Baji. He found Baji on top of Ray punching him repeatedly. As I crawl away bleeding and half naked.

"Kay!?" Mikey yelled rushing to my aid. Mikey picked me up as Mitsuya took off his Toman jacket to cover my exposed body. "Mitsuya where did you come from?" Mikey asked.
"I was on my way to your house and saw Baji jump the fence from down the street and when I saw you follow I ran over here" he said. "I'm glad I did Kay are you alright?" The boys looked at me concerned as they leave Baji behind returning to Mikeys house. Shinichiro heard all the yelling from inside the house and came to see what was going on. He knew Mickey and his friends had been in a couple fights recently and thought it was that.

 He knew Mickey and his friends had been in a couple fights recently and thought it was that

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