Tokyo Revengers 5

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        Within 15 minutes my mom returned home

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        Within 15 minutes my mom returned home. Her first stop was the Sano's front door.

Her face was filled with worry as Shinichiro opened the door. "Hello. I'm Kay's mother." She said as the black hair boy tall and thin stood before her. "Mikey let Kay know her mother is here" Mikey didn't respond he just stood up from the living room to find me in the kitchen with Mitsuya and Baji along with Emma. Kay Mikey said to me. I looked up "yeah Mikey" I faintly smiled,

"Your mom is here" he said in a sad tone. "Oh uh. Okay." I dusted my hands off as I was about to follow Mikey back to the front. Baji grabbed my wrist lightly. "Kay Don't go back there. Not unless he leaves." His tone was concerned but angry. His hands where shaking. "I have to go Baji" I smiled at him. "If anything your the next house over." I reminded him.  He did smile back at me but he wasn't happy with the idea of me returning home. None of them where.

As I approached my mom in the entry she cupped my face in both of her hands. Looking at all the cuts and bruises I had. She pulled up my wrists to see the fight I had put up against Ray. "Kay. I'm so sorry" she managed to make out before she was consumed by tears.  "Mrs Nagito, just so you're aware Ray has been shouting and slamming things since she's been here. We didn't allow Kay to return home until she would be okay."  Draken and Mikey stood before my sobbing mother as she nodded. Shinichiro added "we aren't sure if the twins are alright."

Instantly my mother let go of me and rushed back home. Baji took it upon himself to walk me to my house. "I'll be with you. If that fucker tries anything I'll kill him this time." The rest of the group waited at the end of the driveway as Baji and I walked to my front door and entered.

My house was trashed not just by the twins playing and making a mess. Literally Ray lost it and started thrashing the house. The living room was destroyed. The shelves broken apart everything within them shattered and fallen and cracked beneath our feet. Because everything was hazardous we kept our shoes on. No point in stepping on broken glass.

I picked up one of the twins to check if there was any signs of abuse but he was fine. Thankfully. Maybe a bit scared and hungry but nothing happened to him physically.  My mother came from her bedroom enraged.

She grabbed me by the throat and shoved me into the wall. "You little bitch" she yelled. I held onto my baby brother for dear life as she tried squeezing me. Baji tried pulling her off of me wanting just to punch her instead. That would get her to fucking let go. He thought.

I finally dropped my brother. I reached up toward my mother face and I pushed on her eyes. "Let go of me" I forced out as she continued to choke me. Once the pain set in her eyes she let go of me. The left eye bleeding for the pressure I had placed on them.

"You wanted to fuck Ray didn't you? You trashed the house and called over your gang member friends to help you hu?" She yelled. "Hu!? What the fuck are you talking about?" I looked into my stupid mothers eyes. "You truly are picking that garbage over your own daughter? I'm your second oldest child and you pick him? No wonder father left you."

The insult hurt. It stung a place my mother didn't know still hurt. She slapped me hard. Causing my gums to bleed.
"Ge the hell out of my house." She said to me. "Pack up your shit and leave my fucking house"

 "Pack up your shit and leave my fucking house"

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