First Day

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The alarm made you jolt as you awoke, the annoying noise blaring nonstop.

You tapped on your phone, the ringtone finally ceasing it's loud clamor.

You rose your head from the sheets, your hair frazzled, a mess, having laid face down.

You glanced at the time.




It's too early...

You got up, sitting on the bedside. You put your palm to your head, wiping across your temple as if it would help get rid of the tiredness.

You could hear Adora snoring from above you.

Ah jeez...


She's sound asleep.


You hopped on out of the bed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a blue hoodie.

Might as well head down to the café.

I'll try and get some coffee or something.

As you opened the door to the room, a bit of light peered inside. You turned to look at Adora, who, mind you, was still very much asleep.

Her hand was across her face and one other arm was dangling from the side, her hair let loose.

I'll get her one too.


Just in case.

You grabbed your small little leather wallet, and then stepped out, carefully shutting the door as not to wake your roomate.

You were thankful that you were one of the only people to really have the strength to get up this early and manage to just move.

You made your way to the stairs, heading down to the bottom floor as you put in one of your ear buds.

You put on a random Spotify Playlist you had saved, hearing the familiar tune of Frances Forever's "Space Girl" play through.

You hummed a bit of the tune as you ventured further down.

Once you made it to the lobby, you headed through one of the corridors leading to the dining hall.

On your way, you saw only sparse amounts of people walking by, mainly teachers.

You would wave at then when you got the chance, exchanging friendly smiles and gestures.


You really appreciated the hard work these guys put in everyday. It's a miracle they haven't decided to pack up and leave yet.

And, honestly, you hope they don't.

Teachers like Spinerella, Lance, George, Netossa, they're so sweet.

Though stern at times, they always found ways to make people smile.

Nowadays, most of the students take more pleasure in just ruining that.

You sighed.

It really is a pity.

You made it to a set of glass doors, swinging them open with a slight creak.

Upon entering, you could smell the sweet, savory aroma of the baked goods and brews.

You loved that smell.

Better in White: A Catradora x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now