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(Your theme probably starts here)




It was Friday.

Noon o' clock.


Birds were chirping around, and all the students were talking and blabbing the latest news, nothing that was a surprise at least.


You had gotten the usual at the in-school food stores that were open at the time, whatever that may be.




You were far from being alright this week.

Your brain was fried from your Latin class, a big test coming up today.

You were sitting at the lunch table with Glimmer, Bow, and Adora, with you, of course, being the first at the table to save spots.

(You kind soul 🥺)

You laid your head on the table, your mind filled with all sorts of different things at once.

That day, you tried to make yourself comfortable, white sweatpants and a baseball tee-looking sweatshirt to boot, with the sleeves being one color and the torso bit being another.

But even then, the comfort of clothes couldn't save you.

And you weren't so sure your buddies would either.


In any case, they finally got their food, making their way over to the table, seeing you already seated.

Adora was the first to wave to you, picking up her pace slightly as she approached.


She could see the dead look in your eyes.

"Hey-! Oh... are you...? Are you okay...?" She stammered, sitting down beside you as you laid your head back down on the table.

You groaned as you sat there, not exactly answering her question straight-forwardly.

"Take a guess..." you grumbled, head still laid on the table as she sat down beside you with a strawberry lemonade and sandwich.


Glimmer and Bow walked towards you both.

"Hey guys!" Bow waved.

"Hi Bow!" Adora waved.

You didn't even have the energy to lift your head, much less just to move.


The duo sat down across from you and Adora, setting their lunches on the table.

"Y/N? You okay...?" Bow questioned.

You shut your eyes, lifting your head off the table, then pushing back and leaning it against the booth, opening them again.

You had small dark circles under your eyes due to the lack of sleep from studying until very late these past few nights.

Bow audibly winced at your exhausted appearance.

Adora leaned over, taking in the look on your face.

She narrowed her eyes at you.


Her tone was very firm.

You felt a squeak catch itself in your throat as you straightened up.

(Music stops at 1:38)

Better in White: A Catradora x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now