My Little Songbird

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Y/N was a ticking time bomb as they were sat on the couch in the living room. They were busy twiddling their thumbs, their dad sat beside them, a bit worried.

They were in a t-shirt and shorts since it was a little warmer today, despite it being close to November. That, and their dad had finally taken the band aid off of their nose, revealing a new scar on the bridge of it. A scar that would stay, just like the one on their hand.

However, it didn't take away from how clammy their palms were, or how jittery their entire body had become.


"Hey, easy," Their dad tried to soothe them, though it hardly did anything.

Y/N's mother was still in the bedroom, trying to do something very quickly before she would meet the other two out in the living room.

"What am I supposed to say, dad? I already tried talking to her when Adora was here, and it was a shit show!" They whispered in a mild panic.

"It's okay, kiddo. I'm here. Okay?"



"Just breathe," He tried to get them to copy his breathing by slowly inhaling then exhaling and vice versa.

Not even a moment later, their mother emerged from the room with a serious expression. She plopped herself down in the chair off to the side, leaning forward with her hands cupped in her lap.

She didn't say anything. She was waiting for them to speak, waiting to hear what she would deem excuses.

"Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" She had a taunting, vindictive way of speaking, making it as if they were in the wrong. Well, they were, but for the right reasons.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, mom," They would begin.

"I swear."


"Do you not realize that having this fight is going to end up on your record? Do you know how disappointing that is to hear that?"

"I want to know what you have to say that could possibly make this any better."

"Jenn, ease up, would you? They were defending themself. They have every right to do so," Their dad shut it down quickly.

"I want to hear it from them, Finley."

 "I'm sorry," They apologized again.


"You better be."

"This is completely unlike you."


"Jenn, knock it off," Their dad grew irritated. He fully understood the situation and why they felt the way they did. However, they really needed the support, seeing how anxious this conversation had made them prior to anything being said.

"No! I will not knock it off! Our child is out there beating up other kids, and their grades are starting to suffer because they were too irresponsible to--"

"Can you SHUT UP!?" They piped up immediately.

She went dead silent as she glanced at them, a fiery rage building in her body. Her fists tensed as she glared daggers into them. Y/N's eyes widened, realizing what they just did.


"Excuse me?"

In a way, they felt they had a right to say that to her. All she did was blabber on and on about how they messed up, how they're going to suffer for it.

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