A Snowy Surprise Pt. 2

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snow, combined with the bitter wind at this time in the afternoon made it feel like a completely different world.

And in that rink, it felt like it was just the two of them.

Y/N still couldn't believe she had put all that together; the skates and the outing.

It was a slight hassle, trying to get their laces off.

Wanna know why?


Because after that little slip up in the ice skating rink, it took Y/N and Adora little to no time to realize that the laces on their skates had gotten stuck together.

They figured it out not even a second after leaving.


Adora had fallen over, Y/N obviously worried, but they ended up falling with her.

Both of them were dazed, on the ground.

Glimmer shook her head, slightly disappointed, "They just never learn..."



Y/N sat up, confused. Adora groaned as she laid on her stomach. Y/N glanced at their feet, then noticing the tangled laces.

"Oh for crying out loud-" Y/N facepalmed before attempting to undo the bunch.

They had a hard time, however, continously failing to untighten the threads as Adora sat up.


"Seriously?" They mumbled, still fighting the cloth.

It was infuriating. Of course they already screwed them up, cause why not, right?

"Here, let me help with that," Adora offered, her hand brushing against Y/N's.


For the two of them, they didn't even realize as that jolt went through the both of them, Y/N being more calm about it than Adora, who went a little flush at the contact.

She shook her head and then undid the knot.


The laces, after a minute or two, finally came apart, and they were each able to remove their skates without any further issues.

"You guys ready now?" Glimmer smirked, nudging Y/N's shoulder.


"Yes ma'am!" Y/N saluted in an effort to to keep things jolly, per say.

"Let's head on down!" Adora cheered, subconsciously grabbing Y/N's hand.

"Down where?" Y/N wondered as the winter cold nipped at their nose.

"My parents house!" Adora reminded.


If the cold didn't freeze them before, they certainly froze up now, turning a pale white.

They'd never met Adora's parents before. They remember she had brought it up the other day when they were practicing on their own.


"...huh?" They said, pale as the snow.

"Come on! Let's go!" She dragged then along.


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