Cat's Out of The Bag

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It had been a couple of weeks since the school year started up again. And today was officially the day that Y/N and Glimmer would get to introduce the new student around!

Glim, in particular, was excited because she didn't have to worry about classes. Classic Glimmer. She was still a good kid though, good grades, very bubbly personality, and so forth.

Y/N felt similarly but was more so excited about getting to show them around campus. It was a beautiful place, in its own way.


They got on a nice outfit, consisting of a nice She-Ra-like sweater, blue denim jeans, and sneakers.

Since it was a Friday afternoon, there was no need to worry about homework. At least not too much.

Adora assured them that she'll catch them up on the things they miss, though the teachers were already made aware. She even suggested they be some sort of guide or something similar, considering they knew the place like the back of their head.

Y/N would rub the back of their head, saying they may consider it, but not now.



Before heading out, Adora gave them a quick kiss, and they melted right into it. Pulling away, both were flushed in the face, and Adora had to steal one more from them before they left. They actually were in a daze after those two kisses, completely lovestruck.

But they shook themself out of it and marched right down.

"Tell me how it goes MJ!" she would shout down the hallway, hands cupped around her mouth.

"I will!" They waved to her from the stairwell before making their way down.


They planned to meet up with Glimmer near Angella's office. And since classes were about to start, it wouldn't be too hard to navigate the place.

Y/N scaled down the stairs, managing to find Glimmer in all her sparkly glory.

"Hey, Glim!" They smiled, catching up to her beside the room.



"Hey, Y/N! You excited?" She nudged their arm a few times.

"Eh, kind of. I'm more excited to show them the campus. You're only thrilled because you don't have to worry about Spinnerella's class," they chuckled under their breath.

"Ugh, shut up," she changed her tune quickly as she passed them by, both entering the room after the other.

Angella saw them both make their way in and waved, glad.


"Good morning, Y/N."

"Morning," They walked up to the desk to sit down, Glimmer trailing behind.

"Let me say that this one," she purposefully pointed at Glimmer, "Was certainly excited today. Never once have I seen her so thrilled to come to school."

"Mom..." Glimmer groaned, not appreciative of her being put on the spotlight, much less in this manner.

Both she and Y/N giggled a little, aware of Glimmer's usual mannerisms and shenanigans.



"When's the new student coming?" Glimmer wanted to know, and, truth be told, so did Y/N.

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