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[TW: Mentions of suicide/suicidal ideation. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicide, please dial 988, the National Suicide Hotline. Please make sure you're taking care of yourselves.]




The first day was already up, and pretty soon, Tuesday would be on its way. There wasn't much Y/N could do apart from what they said initially, which was to talk a little more with their dad.

Which... was easier said than done.

Instead of doing that, they sort of diverted their attention to other things, either deciding to practice a few guitar strums and songs or just getting stuck in their own head, overthinking what their mom would do upon her return in two days.


It was not great, to say the least.

Their foot tapped at the floor as they sat on the carpet in the living room, debating what to do next.

Their dad was out at work for most of the day anyway, so how could they manage to find a right time to have a one-on-one conversation?

Y/N stared at the ground as re-runs of SpongeBob were displayed on the television screen. Explosion gags aside, it didn't seem like there was much that could put them at ease.



They sighed, feeling a little self-conscious as they recalled yesterday like the back of their head.

When Adora was here, I had a MUCH better time talking to my dad.

And vice versa, I guess.


Having her around made me more comfortable.

Damn it.

I can't just rely on her presence to give me confidence. I gotta get it from myself!

Ugh, but I hardly have any...



They realized that Adora just being there for them was helpful in getting them to speak up and talk to their dad.

But now that she was at school, and they were here... they had to figure that out on their own. Because first of all, they don't want to end up relying on her for everything. That wouldn't be fair, or helpful in the long run.

Secondly, once a habit like that is created, it's VERY hard to break out of. So, it's better to just not start a habit like that to begin with.

"I don't like thinking," Y/N laid against the cushions sluggishly, pouting.


That, and I hope that they're able to figure out what Catra's doing there at the academy--

A bird?

Their attention shifted suddenly as they saw the shadow of a cardinal zoom by, completely derailing their train of thought.

We've all been there, I feel. No?


They would shake themself out of it, trying to remember what they were thinking about.

Wait what was I doing?

Oh, crap. Right. Thinking about why Catra's at Bright Moon.


Better in White: A Catradora x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now