A Lovebird's Memoir

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If you go through this, always say something!!





Adora gasped, waking up on her side in her bed.

Her ponytail was stilll in, just a single string of her hair led afray from her.


Adora softly panted, still trying to catch her breath.



Another one tonight, huh...?



Lately, the high schooler had been having difficulty sleeping, mostly in part due to the nightmares she was experiencing.

When Adora looed down at the alarm clock, she saw the red numbers flash:






The blonde rubbed her temple with a grievance. She hated when this would happen.

But unfortunately, it wasn't uncommon for it to.


In a way it was ironic. She'd always be telling Y/N to make sure they got their own rest.

The world works in mysterious ways.


With that notion in mind, Adora stepped down the ladder of the loft, soft creaks heard with each careful step.

She was in a tank top and shorts, but had thrown a blanket over her shoulders for extra warmth.

Given the colder weather, still, she would often bundle up, using whatever was available to keep warm.




Nearby sweatshirt? Nabbed.

Blanket? Consider it Adora's.


Her own roommate? Adora would have them snuggle her and make the excuse that it helps conserve heat.


To get an idea, Y/N would be in the middle of doing schoolwork, in a turtleneck and jeans, when Adora would come in, resting her chin on the top of her hair.


She would literally beg them to just hold her for a while.

When Y/N would ask why, Adora simply replied that it was cold and she needed someone to help keep her warm.

So, Adora would sit in Y/N's lap as a blanket draped over the two of them, in which they would watch a movie and babble on about any lore behind it.


They were DreamWorks nerds and they lived for it.



That one microwave?

Yeah. She actually tried to warm up her hands once by using it, and Y/N had to very quickly put a stop to it before she did something stupid.

Better in White: A Catradora x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now