Chasing Cars

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Y/N was wearing Adora's She-Ra shirt, growing fond of the light colors.

That includes the white.


To compliment it, they wore a set of jeans to go with it.



Their phone sat face up on their dresser as they put on a set of black sneakers.

It vibrated as they got a text message.


Hey! I'm omw to the museum!


You texted back, one shoe on, smirking.


Are your parents dropping you off?

Nope! Going by bike!

Ooooh! Okay. I see. Wait, how far is it by bike?

Like maybe 10 minutes? If I go really fast I can make it in like half that time.

Alright, but don't hurt yourself, okay? I'll see ya soon!

Wuv you!

Aww. I wuv you too, Adora.


They laughed a little in sending that message back.

They put their phone in their pocket just as Y/N overheard their mother calling.

"Y/N! You ready to go?"


"Coming! Give me a sec!" They replied, throwing on their other shoe.



"It doesn't take five minutes to put on a sneaker!"

It does if I'm GAY!


They almost laughed out loud at the thought.

Grabbing their phone, they marched out the room and headed down the staircase.

"We're gonna leave without you!"

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" They yelled back, almost leaping down the porch stairs.


Their mom was waiting in the car outside, the early shine of the sun warming up the block.

"You ready to go?" Their mom asked, hands on the wheel.

Better in White: A Catradora x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now