A Snowy Surprise

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The season carried on awfully fast for the group.

It was already getting closer to the holidays as it was.



On this day, Y/N was busy practicing in the gymnasium on their own, receiving the volleyball off the wall in sets.


Even in the gym though, it was awfully cold, so they were wearing their warmup outfit, a white and gold hoodie and sweats, as they did.

After maybe two more times, they grabbed the volleyball, twirling it around with their hand before sitting down.


They stretched out their legs, twisting their hips to make sure they were nice and loose.

Y/N raised their one leg, hoping to stretch it out as they laid flat out on the ground.


They lowered it down, then tried to raise their other leg.

After about fifteen seconds, they tried to drop it.

However, they felt a sudden push to keep their leg up.


Two soft, gentle hands lifted their leg, helping them stretch out.

"Hey, you!" Adora smiled brightly, wearing a pair of light jeans, along with Caribou boots with fur lining the top.

She was also wearing a Jacquard sweater, lined with white reindeer and red snowflakes. Her oversized flannel hoodie was tied around her waist.


"Hey! What are you doing here?" Y/N wondered, Adora lowering their leg.

"It was freezing outside, and I couldn't find you, so I figured you probably came in here to warm up," Adora tucked away a small stray wad of hair that fell over her ear.


"Really? Huh. Figures," Y/N teased, smirking like a doofus as they crossed one leg over the other.

"Shut up!" Adora laughed, lightly punching them in the shoulder.

"Ah! Hey! I need that shoulder!"


"Not for much longer! PEW!" Adora pointed at Y/N with a finger gun.

"Gah! No!" They grabbed at their chest.

"The almighty She-Ra has taken me down!" Y/N fell onto their back, groaning as Adora knelt beside them.


The blonde then looked mischievously, plopping herself across their stomach, causing a puff of breath to escape Y/N's mouth.

They giggled a little bit as Adora's back laid across them.


"What are your plans for the holidays?" Y/N wondered.

"I might go and see family for Christmas," she replied with a smirk, her eyes reflecting the softness of the light.


"You?" She added.

"Eh... my parents are away. Said I have the house to myself this year," They let their palm fall flat onto their chest with a pat.

Adora giggled, "My parents let me frolic about."


After a moment of silence though, the blonde sat up, looking at Y/N's blank expression.

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