Trials and Troubles

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[JUST A FOREWARNING! This episode will have some implied bullying, both physical and verbal.]





Your phone vibrated on the desk as your head was plopped down beside it, currently working on some homework in Chem.

You guys were on a light spectrum unit, and trying to do these calculations wasn't fun.

You picked up the device, not moving your head, and then finally took a glance at it.

There was a message from Glimmer.

When's the first meeting for the Inclusion Club?

You texted her back with an answer.

This Friday during study hall.

Oooooh! Okay! 😋

Speaking of which, you'll be in it with us this year, right Y/N?

After seeing Bow text that next message, you sighed, putting the phone face down as you rubbed through your hair in thought.

Technically, yes, you did, but...

You knew what your parents thought about it.

And... God forbid if they ever knew...


It only makes it worse now that they seem to be very eager and strict about that whole thing.

That was their belief.

With all honesty, you were nervous.

I don't know... what if my parents found out? You both know they aren't exactly... fond of our whole shebang.

After a few moments, the phone dinged again.

Just say you're in a fundraiser! They don't have to know exactly!


You sent a message back, thanking Glimmer for the input.

But, even that wouldn't be enough, would it?

You sighed again, your head landing on the wooden desk, your decorated monitor sitting there beside you, off.

You started looking through some frequency questions and typed equations into your calculator.

It was still fairly early in the afternoon, and Adora was at a different club meeting.

What was it? The uh...

The Book Club? Am I right?

I think that's what I remember her saying.


Kind of weird, actually.


I didn't think Adora was the kind of person who'd enjoy discussions about reading.

You personally enjoyed photography and writing, among other things.

Taking beautiful, scenic photos of nature and people, writing story ideas, using your whole imagination, really.

And Adora was no stranger to that either, since she was in Art with Glimmer.

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