To Skip or Not to Skip

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Adora could hear the sounds of muffled coughing as she laid in the lower bunk, the blanket over her shoulders and her hair loose.

She peeked one eye open, though tired. She had to adjust to the early morning dimness in the room.

She checked the analog clock that they both had on the dresser, and it read 5:18 AM.


She sat up, rubbing her face as the muffled coughs continued. This was also when she noticed that Y/N wasn't next to her.

Confused, she tilted her head to the right, and managed to catch a glimpse of Y/N sitting at the desk, where there was an adjustable lamp, some stacked notebooks, and a picture of the BSF in the corner.

"Y/N...?" She drowsily whispered, rubbing one of her eyes.



They had to hold down their coughs, keeping their mouth shut, but a hand balled in front of their mouth.

Adora caught on to the coughs, realizing it was coming from them, and quickly scrambled to get out of bed, worried.

"Hey, you alright?" She approached the chair they were sitting in from behind.


They gave her a glance that pretty much told her all she needed to know.

They had to hold down about four more coughs as Adora patted their back.

"Sick?" She whispered.

Y/N didn't speak, and grabbed their notebook, scribbling something down with a pencil.



Adora looked over their shoulder to try and see what they were writing out but couldn't. They would show her after about twenty seconds.

She read the sentences out loud.

"My throat really hurts, and I can't speak right now because of it. I don't know what to do..."

They then turned it around, wrote something else down rather quickly, and showed her again.


"Don't know if it's an allergy thing or some sort of sinus thing. Either way it HURTS."

They wrote the last word in all caps to better emphasize the pain they felt in their throat at that given point.

"Aw. Is... uh-is there anything I can do?" Adora felt bad as she slid her hand through her hair, unsure.


Y/N stared back down at the notebook paper with their pencil in hand, but only sighed.

However, not even two seconds later, they had to stifle more coughs, trying their best to keep it down since it was still early.

Though they had a Thermos of water sitting on the floor beside the desk, they had a hard time with swallowing, making it close to impossible to drink without there being pain.



After a moment, they wrote something else down.

Adora read it in her head.

"Nah. Don't worry... it'll pass... I hope."

"But I probably won't be able to go to class because of this. You'll have to let Angella know I'm not feeling well."

Better in White: A Catradora x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now