A Father's Lament

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[Yes, there's going to be another content warning for this one for some sexual implications + NSFW content as well. I don't know if it'll be any good, but regardless, enjoy! This chapter is a ROLLERCOASTER!]




They never expected a phone call that night. Much less from Angella delivering the bad news.

Regardless of the evidence, she had no choice but to suspend them because of the pressure coming from multiple parents, including Blaise's. She didn't get off scot-free either though.

She had a suspension lasting at least a week while Y/N had a few days of out of school suspension that was to be followed by spending the remainder of the week in detentions.


Angella profusely apologized to them, wishing there was more she could do, but it was in the administration's hands this time, due to how serious the situation was.

"Okay. Thank you, Principal Angella."

"I'm terribly sorry, dear..."

"Don't apologize. It wasn't anyone's fault by mine and Blaise's."


"It's unfair, the idea you're being punished for standing up for yourself. Glimmer and the others explained things to me, and I can understand you had reason to retaliate."

"I hadn't before, so... I figured it'd be best to send her a message. And to defend myself."

"Regardless, I hope to see you at some point to talk about this further, and to check up on you. I can't imagine what it's like right now."

"I appreciate it, Angella. Thanks for letting me know. I'll... relay it to my dad, if anyone's called him yet."


"Thank you. Have a good night."

"Thanks. You too."



They hung up the phone as they sat at the bedside with Adora, sitting slouched over. They had only their sports bra and their pair of boxers on.

Adora was laying down in their bed, under the covers with her upper body exposed, though the blanket was covering her for the most part. If it wasn't clear enough, the two definitely made use of that extra time together in an... intimate matter.

"Everything okay?" The blonde asked as she was laid on her side, concern building in her gaze.

"Principal Angella called," They replied.


"Oh, whoa..." Adora breathed out, sitting up. The blanket drooped down off of her, and she scooted behind Y/N as they started to text Glimmer and Bow to let them know they'll be out the next few days.

She hugged them from behind, her chin resting over their shoulder. Y/N could feel Adora's chest press against their back.

She had her boxers on as she watched them type.

"Is... everything okay?"



"No. I'm suspended. I won't be able to return to school until around Wednesday or so, and while I'm at school, I'll be in detentions the rest of the week."

"Not to mention it's gonna end up on my record... so... yeah. It's going great..." They rolled their eyes.

It was difficult to keep their composure. None of this should have happened, but it did anyway. And they wouldn't stop beating themself up about it.

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