Sticks and Stones

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"They're finally waking up!"



"Y/N? Hey."



I could feel my eyes starting to flicker open, along with an unsensational ache. Most of it resided in my shoulder and side.

I understood why my ribs may be in pain, but not my shoulder. Then again, I guess I'd find out why once I was up and moving again.

When I was able to see the light, I could make out Adora, Bow, and Glimmer all leaning over me, staring in anticipation as I become increasingly aware of my surroundings.

Everything seemed a little dimmer than before, and as I propped myself up on my elbows, I decided to ask.


"Where am I?"



"You're at my place. You've been resting for about an hour or two," Adora put a hand on my back, but as soon as that happened, I shivered. Her hands were freezing cold.

She seemed to notice and crouched down, concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"Your hands... they're cold," my eyes were half-lidded, the initial feeling glazing over.


"I'm not surprised," Glimmer would sigh as I glanced tiredly at her.

"Considering we had to patch up those scratches and stuff."

"Hm? What are you talking about?" I struggled to move my shoulder, which had a bandage around the side. I could clearly feel the agony coming from that spot alone.



"Well, we had to check for any other injuries, and your shirt had quite a bit of blood on it so uh..." Adora would look at me up and down, lying in wait for my reaction.

I blinked, unaware at first. But at the same time, I indulged that curiosity and bowed my head to take a gander for myself.

And let's just say I wasn't too happy. At all.



"Just your shirt!" Adora tried to reason, given the circumstances.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS TELL ME THAT FIRST THING!?" I tried in vain to cover myself up. It didn't matter that I was wearing a sports bra underneath because I could already feel the embarrassment tearing up any remaining self-esteem.

My face was beet red and steaming as my friends tried to explain things.

"Well, you did have some cuts and bruises around your side, so we had to patch that up along with your shoulder," Glimmer pointed towards the air, taking into account the different instances where they all tried to tend to the injuries.

"Personally, I'm not bothered by this," Adora would admit, simply just sitting beside me as I lost my mind.


"Well, I know YOU aren't considering you've seen me like this before."

"I'm sorry?" Glimmer's eyes widened, mildly blushing a little bit at that revelation. I then realized the error of my ways and tried to retract what I had mentioned moments ago.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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