Be Transparent

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- Saturday: At Adora's House -




Adora was pacing around her room, a mixture of confusion and irritation written all over her. She wasn't at a complete loss of words, but she still couldn't believe what Y/N had told her.

They were sitting at Adora's bedside, hands cupped together as their head hung over their lap, feeling the same exact way.

It was raining out, and they could each hear the pattering of rain drops on the window as both of them thought. Granted, it was the weekend, so they had these two days to contemplate.


"I don't understand. WHY is she at BRIGHTMOON ACADEMY?" Adora tapped at her chin, unable to make any sense of it.


"No clue. I'm as shocked as you are," they stared at the ground.

"But why? What reason could she have for being here?"

Y/N was speechless, still processing it.



So... not only did I make an ass of myself...

But that was CATRA. THE CATRA. Oh my stars I'm so fucking stupid...


"This doesn't make any sense..."

"How can she just suddenly be here?"



"I don't know..."

"And you didn't recognize her? At all? How did you not recognize her!?" Adora wondered how they weren't able to tell.

They had never actually physically seen Catra, so to hear Adora asking them this seemed pretty irrational.

"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?" They replied, confused.


"You're right. You're right..." Adora realized her mistake fairly quickly and went on.


"Well, we've got today and tomorrow to try and just relax. We won't know a lot until we actually see her at school this coming Monday," Y/N tried to explain.

"It just has me so confused. Why here? And why now?" Adora walked on over, sitting at her bedside. When she plopped down, some of the pillows bounced from how hard she fell on the bed.



It had them both stuck in panic mode. Well, not entirely. But it certainly would pose a big problem for them.

Adora just couldn't seem to fathom it.


Y/N sat beside her in their gray sweatpants, t-shirt and socks. They contemplated the events.

Though it was apparent just from meeting her that she seemed to be someone pretty laid back, she didn't seem so bad.

So they wondered why Adora seemed much more tense about it. Was it because of where she's transferring from? Is it something else?

Better in White: A Catradora x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now