July 30th, 1899: Part III

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 (TWO IN ONE DAY!!! I really want the strike chapters to be over by the new year, and there's another 3 part coming up cause I have no boundaries and dont know when to stop! Enjoy this one, how ever heartbreaking it could be! :D)

I turned to say something to Jack, but before I could, he kissed me deeply. With his lips on mine, I felt like I didn't have to worry. I peeked at the clock and gently pulled away, "I have to go." I sighed.

"I'll se ya soon." He said, quickly kissing me again before running off.

I smiled and watched him. As soon as he was out of sight, I booked it for The World.I walked through the large oak doors, and up the marble steps, eventually stopping at my father's secretary's desk. Her face lit up when she saw me. Hannah was beyond nice and practically helped raise me since I was always at The World growing up. I never understood how she put up with my father for so long.

"Hello, Hannah." I smiled.

"Katherine!" Hannah smiled and hugged me, "I didn't think you would show up. You know how your father is going to act once he sees you."

"I know. But, I don't care." I said.

"You're a brave girl." She smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled softly, not feeling to mention how I felt like I might throw up any second.

"You better get in there. If you need anything, let me know." She smiled.

"I will." I smiled before slowly walking into my father's office.

There he was. The behemoth Pulitzer. The one all my friends feared. I began to question myself on why I did not turn back. He spun around in his chair and looked at me. It was a dead stare, one that I only saw him give to those who he thought of as competition or a threat. Could my father, the great Joseph Pulitzer, really see me like that?

"Father, before you say a word, let me tell you-"

He stood and held up my paper from last week, "Sit." He spat. I sighed and sat in the chair across from his at the desk, "After all these years, clothing you, feeding you, making sure I knew what was in your best interest, this is how you repay me? By closing down on my empire, the one I built to keep you, your siblings, your mother, all safe."

"I was just doing my job. It had to be said. What you did is wrong." I said.

"What I did is improve our economy." He said.

"It's ruining their lives."

"Nonsense, Mr. Wiesel's nephews informed me that those boys are fine." He said.

"The Delanceys' beat them up, they hurt me and three of the boys today. Davey and Les Jacobs, these two really nice, hard working boys started selling papers to support their family. They need to be able to sell with a fair price, and not get killed. We were looking for Jack, another hard working gentleman who is just trying to get out of here, have his dream come true and go west, when the Delanceys' snuck on the Jacobs and I. They hurt me, and those boys. They gave me these marks," I said, tears in my eyes from the thought of earlier as I motioned to the cuts and scrapes on my cheek and arms, "and I'm pretty sure they gave Davey a concussion."

"Those boys would never do that. They've been working for me for two years now, and are very loyal." He said.

"And half those Newsies have been working for you since they were 5! Like, Mr. Kelly. I was told he started selling when he was 8, he's 17 now. That's 9 years against 2. I can't believe you would trust two boys who beat, rape, and rip off people over people who have really been loyal employees for years who are even too sweet they can't hurt a fly." I said.

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