ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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"Umm...what future wife? Me? You didn't take my opinion? Or purpose, you haven't even spent enough time with me"

Those are the words that escape your mouth once you are alone with Maleficent.

"Oh, don't think highly of yourself, I'm not going to marry you, little dove" The faerie king assures.

"Then why did you tell Rory that we are getting married?" you damned, with crossed arms.

"Hand me the Rafflesia Arnoldii odor" Maleficent orders.

"The what odor?"

Maleficent rolls his eyes at you, before walking over and grabbing the glass vail on the table, beside you.

"You are indeed stupid" he mocks, poking your head with his free hand.

You pout at his words while clutching your fists.

"You know what, fine, I will just leave, I don't need to stay with an arrogant king"

With that you turn around, ready to walk away, but suddenly, a long black wing flaps in front of you, blocking your exit.

"You aren't going to leave any time soon, my dove"

You gulp after Maleficent grabs you by the back of your neck with his sharp black nails.

"You are to stay here and serve me until death" he leans his face closer to your scared one.

"You belong here, with me, safe under eyes" he utters each word with an alluring tone.

He forces you against his body, using his wings, blocking your view of your surroundings, and forcing you to only focus on him.

Maleficent places his lips against your warm ones, before pulling away from you.

"Love me, and I will make you the Queen in my life..." he purrs.

"Disobey me and I will make the rest of your life filled with misery"

Suddenly, someone enters the room, causing Maleficent to remove his wings and himself away from you.

It was one of Maleficent's servants.

"Your highness, our kingdom is under attack"

The faerie king frowns, enraged by the news.

"Prepare the soldiers, we shall fight off the intruders"


"Where is she, Maleficent?" Henry demands, holding his long sword.

"I believe I do not know who is 'she' that you speak of, just like how your father does not know about you being here" Maleficent taunts.

"You have taken (Y/n), we want her back or we will kill you" Ellard spats, stepping forward.

When Rory sees the blond-haired boy threatening his godfather, he also steps forward.

"We have not taken anyone, so return to where you came from, and no one will get hurt" Prince Charming chuckles.

"Ah-ha, the little boy who has betrayed his father to help his evil godfather, Prince Rory, was it?" Henry mocks.

"We are not leaving without (Y/n)" Ellard asserts with determination.

"Then you would rather return back home as corpses, don't you?"

Prince Charming smirks, stepping forward.

"Let's us then see who is going to win this battle"

Little do the four men know, that you have taken your chance and fled Maleficent's castle.

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