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"Are you asleep yet?"


"Honestly, I have already told you three stories, why are you not falling asleep?"

You say softly as you and Rapunzel lay on his bed, his head laying on your lap.

You agreed to be your companion of Rapunzel because Father Gothel threatened you.

"Because your stories are horrible and make no sense" you frown at the blond prince's blunt words.

"They do make sense" you defend yourself.

You have told him the story of Red riding hood, the Ugly Duckling, and the Princess and the Pea.

"Firstly, a black duck can never turn into a white swan, that's racist and absurd"

"Secondly, an old woman cannot be saved from the stomach of the wolf, because she should be already dead"

"Lastly, no one can feel a pea even if it is under a pillow"

You smile at Rapunzel, liking his logical thinking.

"That's why they are called children stories, to teach children to be..."

"Unrealistic" the prince finishes the sentence, looking at you with his green eyes.

"The world is dangerous out there, Father told me so" you let out a sad sigh.

"Rapunzel, your Father has been lying to you ever since you were born" the said prince chuckles.

"About what? The world out there is dangerous?"

You shook your head at him quickly, denying what he just said.

"No, you see Rapunzel...that man is not your father, he kidnapped you"

Rapunzel shoots up in his bed from shock at your words.

"What do you mean? Gothel is my father, we even have the same green eyes" he exclaims, pointing at his eyes.

"Many people have green eyes, adding to that, don't you find it strange that you are locked up in a castle, and your father insists on keeping your hair long?"

Rapunzel stays silent for a moment before replying.

"You are just jealous"

Your mouth drops in disbelief about what he has just told you.

"I'm telling you that you have been kidnapped since you were a baby, and you accuse me of jealousy"

You stand up from bed and grab his long hair before throwing it out of the window so you can use it as a rope to get down.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving, I can't hide forever in here"

His expression turns into a concerned one, realizing that he will be lonely once more.

"But it is dark out there"

"The sun will rise soon" you utter out.

"Please don't leave me alone in here" Rapunzel rushes to your side and wraps his arms around you to pull you into his embrace.

You turn around to face him with sad eyes.

"I can't do that, it is rather you come with me or stay here with your father"

He stares at you, trying to make a choice.

Rapunzel loves his father indeed, but you are the only girl he ever met in his life.

"Alright, I will go with you"

Honestly, you wanted him to say that he will stay in the tower.

"All right, let's go before sunrise"


Alex stares down at his teacup, looking bored and displeased with his surroundings.

He has lived in wonderland for as long as he can remember, but it has become a dull place for him.

It is no lie that the Liddel man wanted to punish for not supporting living with him, however, it seems like he has also punished himself.

"Maybe, you should go back and bring your daughter here"

March Hare suggests, stealing the cup of tea out of Alex's hand to drink all of it in one gulp.

The golden-haired man frowns in displeasure, before grabbing the Hare by his neck.

"I wouldn't have been in such a situation in the first place if you have directed her to the right hole" Alex spats tightening his grasp on the animal.

Alex will make it his goal to have you return with him.

What choice do you have? It is rather those freaks or him.

"M-master, I'm going to die" The hare chokes out, causing Alex to give him a crazy grin.

"Good, you will make a fine jugged hare dish"


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