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"Why come now and rescue me? After everything I have been through!"

"Is that the thanks I get after saving you from this creep? How you hurt my feelings, dear daughter." 

You roll your eyes as Alex feigns sadness at your 'supposing' harsh words toward him.

After knocking Adrian out, your father took you to the safety of Wonderland.

Right now, both of you are having tea, or at least that is what it should be like because there is no tea in the cups.

"Now, don't tell me you have fallen in love with one of them," Alex says disgustingly.

"You act as if you haven't ever fallen in love with someone. Did you not love my mother?"

The golden-haired man snickers, leaning back in his chair with one leg crossed over the other.

"I find people entertaining, but falling in love is a concept I don't and won't ever believe in."

You bite your bottom lip, ready to burst out in frustration.

"You married my mother; she is still waiting for you to return home to her..."

You rant but stop for a moment before continuing.

"She is also waiting for my return; she must be heartbroken."

Alex rolls his eyes, feeling jealous about your affection towards your mother.

He should be the only parent you love.

"Stop worrying about the unknown and enjoy your time here; there are many places to explore in Wonderland."

He stands up from his chair and walks over to you until he reaches you and pulls you up from your chair by the arm.

"Where are you taking me?"

You demand, trying to pull away from his grasp, but he only tightens his hold on you, causing discomfort.

"I'm going to show you the genuine excitement of enjoying your stay here."


You stare at the very pale-skinned man as he smiles at your father.

The long platinum-white hair and white clothes gave away the man's identity within seconds of seeing him.

He's the male version of the White Queen.

Even though the smile is genuine, it looks so creepy.

"Who is your friend, Alex?" you gulp as the handsome man turns his eerie gaze toward you.

"She's my daughter, (Y/n)."

"Ahh, I didn't know you could get women to bear with your nasty attitude, much less have a good sexual relation with them."

The White King insults his friend with a broad smile on his face.

Alex grits his teeth before a smirk appear on his face. 

"That's not what your wife told me." 

You stop your jaw from dropping in shock as the White king, Miran of Marmoreal, keeps smiling as if it was nothing.

"You have a very beautiful daughter."

The rightful ruler of Underland compliments you.

"I came to you to help entertain her with baking goods and making potions."

You grimace in disgust, remembering the White Queen's cooking and potion supplies, including a human finger.

However, Miran got the hint of what Alex was implying from just meeting his eyes.

The White King realizes that your father wants him to have you drink a sleeping potion.

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