ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢

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"It seems like uncle and aunt still have not found our dear cousin"

You watch as Elias takes his seat at the head of the dining table, while you are facing his brother from the opposite side.

Andrew is not paying attention to his brother, as he watches you eat the food with dreamy eyes.

"Someone seems to be enjoying themselves" the ice king teases you with a soft smile.

"Oh yeah," you mumble nervously after stopping eating.

"So, who is your cousin?" You ask with curiosity.

"Prince Rapunzel" your eyes widens slightly upon hearing the familiar name.

"He got kidnapped when he was just a baby" Andrew adds.

"How unfortunate" you mumble, and take a sip from your drink.

"May I ask you a question?" Elias requests politely.

You chuckle slightly finding his politeness funny.

"Go ahead, it isn't like you kidnapped me or something"

Elias ignores your sarcastic tone and asks his question.

"What was your life like before all of this chaos happened?"

The question surprised you, as no one has ever asked about your life before Disney.

However, it would be kind of stupid to tell him that they come from a fairy tale.

Even though Maleficent knows that you are from another universe, he doesn't know that he is a fairy tale character.

"It is not that interesting, I lived with my mother, while my father disappeared when I was a baby"

"That's sad" the light brown-haired prince utters out, looking at you with sympathy.

"Yes, very sad...anyway, did you have a lover?"

You sigh at Elias's rudeness but answer him.

"No, and I only had one best friend" you reply.

Waiting a few minutes, you continue speaking.

"I also got cursed, that if I don't find a good charac- person to marry, I will never be able to return home."

"Who cursed you?"

You roll your eyes and lean back into your chair.

"I don't know"

The fact that you decided to continue lying is beyond you.

Elias and Andrew look at each other, before returning their gazes to you.

A servant enters, looking terrified.

"A dragon is attacking the ship"

Your mouth almost drops, while the two brothers stand up.

"This must be Maleficent!" Andrew exclaims.

"Stay here, while, Andrew and I go figure out a solution"

With that, the two brothers leave you alone in the dining room of the ship.

You wait while thinking about what to do about the whole situation.

Escaping is the best option.

But, getting lost in the ocean seems like a bad idea.

While thinking and walking back and forth, a black-haired handsome man appears in front of you.

"Who are you?" you demand.

"Micheal, but others call me Mickey" you step back in shock.

He has a nice smooth voice, with dark soft hair and dark brown eyes.

You don't know whether this is a sin or not...but you think Mickey is hot.

"Why are you here?" Mickey rolls his eyes at you.

"To save you, duh"

You punch him across the face harshly, causing him to get angry.

"What was the for, bitch?!"

"For getting me into trouble, duh"

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