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"Can you please untie me, I just want to leave in peace?"

You request from Rapunzel as you sit on a chair while his long golden hair is wrapped around your body, tieing you to the chair.

You feel like you are a Flynn Rider right now, the only difference is that you wanted to hide from a crazy possessive prince.

"Not until you tell me why you barged into my home" Rapunzel demands, pointing his pan at you.

"I was trying to escape from my ex-fiancee" you reply truthfully.

"Can you untie me now" he shook his head quickly at you.

"No, I still don't trust you" you raise an eyebrow at him.

"I just told you that I was in danger, and needed to hide, that's not fair" you exclaim.

Rapunzel narrows his eyes at you, his face leaning towards yours.

"Father told me not to trust girls with pretty faces"

Your face heats up at his words, but you look away from him in shyness.

"Well, listen, I'm a victim like you-"

"A victim like me?" Rapunzel repeats the sentence.

"Yes, did you ever leave this tower? considering there are no doors then I assume the answer would be yes"

You try not to sound suspicious as you don't want to appear to know everything about him.

"No, Father told me that outside is dangerous" you snort.

"Your father is lying to you"

This time Rapunzel is the one to raise an eyebrow at you.

"But you hid in the tower because it was dangerous out there for you"

"Well, yeah-"

"So my father is right, it is dangerous out there" he points out, happy to be right for once.

"Why don't you just allow me to leave, I want to leave" you whine, hoping to annoy him until he lets you leave.

"What is your name?" He inquires, changing the subject.

"(Y/n), what is yours?"


He replies, touching your hair, intertwining his finger within.

"I think you should stay here and become my friend"

"And I think you should untie me and let me leave" you assert.

While you two argue with each other, a voice calls out Rapunzel's name.

"Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

Rapunzel unwraps his hair from around you and rushes to the window.

You quickly stand up, wanting to hide somewhere, afraid to see Father Gothel.

But it is too late already, as the dark-haired man climbs into the tower with the help of his 'son'

You stand in the middle of the room looking like a deer in the highlights while Father Gothel walks up to you.

"Hello" you greet him.

Yet, the older man grabs you by your hair, and neck tightly.

"Father, no!" Rapunzel shouts, worried about you.

"Who are you, little girl?"

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