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"I'm not drinking that"

You shove the potion away from your face with a disgusted expression.  

"Why not? It is for your good, my dear" the White King says softly.

"I saw you put a human finger in the cauldron while making the potion!"

"It was actually a monster's finger" Alex corrects you.

"That's worst! I'm not drinking it" you exclaim, causing your father to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Yes, you are, it is for your own good," Alex says, taking the potion from the White King, and walking over to you.

"Actually... No, it's not good for you"

You raise an eyebrow at the light-haired man, while Alex gives him a dirty look.

"I don't understand, can you elaborate?" you press, cautious about what he has to say, while Alex is displeased.

But, before the White King could say anything, your father stops him and answers instead.

"This potion will give you an eternity of peaceful sleep" Alex replies, not caring to hide it anymore.

Your eyes widen in shock at the madness you just heard leave his mouth.

"I don't know why I would want to sleep for eternity, I'm not sleeping beauty!" you voice out angrily.

"But you are a beauty though"

The White King adds, making you turn to him, and smile for a second.

"Thank you, I know"

You look back at Alex who is starting to get frustrated at your attitude toward him.

"I don't care about what you want, I'm trying to protect you"

"Well, then you better start doing your job as a father..."

You point a finger at Alex's chest while mocking him.

"...because you have always escaped from responsibility, dad!"

He grabs hold of your finger, pulling it away from his chest.

"This is the last time I will allow you to speak to me like that"

The White King watches in silence the conversation between you two, seeing it unfold, as he picks up his cup of tea.

"Why are you acting like a father now? You never have been a father to me, the only way I will feel safe is if you have me return home" 

You let out all that sentence in one breath, not breaking eye contact with Alex.

"Your mother had you all those years with her, now, it is my turn"

You grab the vial out of his hand, and before he could take it back, you throw it across the room.

"Violence is not allowed here" The White King scolds you.

You ignore him completely, focusing on Alex.

"I'm not something to be owned by someone, I'm your daughter, dad," the said man shrugs.

"This further proves that you are my property"

"I think you meant priority" The king points out.

"I know exactly what I said"

The King presses his lips together, feeling uneasy.

"Oh God, you are more creepy than my brother, Alex"

"I put you to sleep, you won't cause trouble" Alex explains, causing you to huff.

"Oh really, there isn't any other choice?"  you taunt him.

"Yes, there is"

"And what might that be?"

However, Alex doesn't get to answer you as time freezes.

Everything is frozen in its place not moving, except for you and him.

Mickey appeared out of nowhere and in front of you, a smile appearing on his face.

He answered your father's question for you with a scary playfulness.

"Killing you"

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