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The fact that Charles managed to find the motel you are staying at and dragged you with him to attend his birthday party...

... Is not surprising at all.

After all,  you got used to dealing with such obsessive behavior. 

And Charles's cheerful attitude is hard to refuse, and he is one of your favorite characters.

"I just want to say that you look absolutely stunning in this dress" the blond exclaims as he walks you into the ballroom.

"Thank you, after all, you are the one who chose it"

"Yes,  I chose it so it can be matching with the color of my bow tie"

Indeed,  Charles bought you an expensive pink dress to match his pink bow tie.

At least, it's not the same huge pink dress,  Charlotte wore at her birthday party.

Oh, wait.

It is the same dress.

"Who is your guest, Charles,  that's the first time I see her" Eli La Bouff asks his son after both of you approach him.

"That's my friend, (Y/n), she agreed to be my date for the party" Charles answers excitedly.

"I hope to hear good news soon, son" Eli winks at Charles.

"No, Daddy, we are just friends... Unless she wants to be something more than friends"

Charles jokes, turning his attention to you with hope in his eyes.

But, Tyan saves you from the whole awkward situation.

"Happy birthday,  Charli" Tyan says,  handing his best friend his birthday present.

"Oh thank you, and you look handsome, Ty!" Charli hugs Tyan.

Indeed,  blue looks amazing on him,  no matter what his gender is.

"You too look charming, as for (Y/n)... "

Tyan gives you a sympathetic look,  noticing how uncomfortable you are in the buffy dress.

"She also looks amazing in the dress" You raise a playful eyebrow at his obvious lie.


Before Tyan could let out a sentence,  Charles drags you to the dance floor.

"Oh god, my favorite song is playing, let's dance, (Y/n)! "

You try to match his moves, afraid to step on the optimistic boy's feet.

"You know, this is the first time I dance with a woman or have a dance partner at all" Charles stutters, blushing.

"It's ok,  I'm not a good dancer either," you say to ease his worries.

"No, It just makes me feel like a prince,  and you are as pretty as a princess"

"You flatter me, but-"

"No don't even try to deny that you are beautiful,  because any sightful person can see that, darling"

"I wasn't going to deny it"


Suddenly it is time to switch partners during the dance, so Charles switches.

Your eyes widen when you notice your new dance partner.


"Surprise, I know" the prince chuckles playfully.

"No, not really" you mutter, and he doesn't hear you.

"I have never seen someone look beautiful in such an awful dress"

You chuckle, as he twirls you around.

"Finally, someone is saying the truth"

"Gotta switch"

Once again, you switch partners, and your partner is Tyan.

"I wasn't lying, you look amazing,  and if you were wearing a trash bag, you would still look gorgeous"

He explains, looking at you with his puppy dark brown eyes.

"It's ok... Let me tell you a thing"

You lean in closer as if you are going to tell him a secret.

"You are the best dressed one in this whole party, my friend"

Right after you say those words, a dark figure approaches the both of you.

Seeing the familiar face and the dagger he is holding.

You quickly shove Tyan out of the way before Maleficent could kill him.

And you also move along with him to not get stabbed by the dagger.

"Maleficent, calm down first and I will explain everything!" you order.

But the faerie king doesn't listen to your words and screams before he charges once again at Tyan again.

Yet this time you catch both of his wrists,  stopping him from committing murder.

Looking him straight in the eyes,  your eyes are pleading with him.

"Please, stop"

"No, I have given you too many chances"

Trying your hardest to stop his attack.

The dagger stars you through the chest instead.

Maleficent's expression turns into one of fear once he realizes what he has done.

The last thing you hear is your name being called then you slip into darkness.


You open your eyes only to be met with one sight.

The sight of a tall, athletic, handsome, and tanned man, with grey eyes and long black hair. He wears no clothes, except for a cloth tied around his waist.

"Who are you?" you ask, backing away in fear.

What is going on?

And why can't you...

... remember anything?

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