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"I was trying to tell the lady that I wasn't a model, but she didn't listen!" you explain.

"Then why did you participate in the whole thing? Why didn't you tell me about it?"

Cruell starts to get angry with every word he spats out at you, making you nervous.

'He's nice once you get to know him'

Remembering Adrian's words made you decide that you are going to give him a piece of your mind when you meet up again.

"Because I was afraid of your reaction"

The fashion designer sneers at you as if you were a bug.

"If you were a dog, I would have skinned you alive, and wore your skin as if it was a fine coat"

Hearing this, made your mouth almost drop at the cruelty of his sentence.

"Killing innocent puppies? You are awful"

Cruell rolls his eyes at you and ignores your statement.

"To pay up for the show that you ruined, you will work for me" you push him away from you.

"Pay up? How much does it even cost, to begin with?" he smirks at you.

"Much more than your poor budget can offer, darling," he says, pulling out his cigarette holder before placing a cigarette in it.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Simple tasks, light up my cigarette"

You catch the lighter he throws at you with ease.

"Also, you are going to be with me everywhere I go" you sigh, lightening up his cigarette.

"Do I even have the right to object?" he grins at your question.

"Of course, that is if you want to go to jail for impersonation" you glare at him.

"This is tons of-"

A woman rushes into the room, looking horrified.

"I'm so sorry for being late, but the traffic was busy, Mr. De Vil"

This must be the model you took her place.

You feel pity for her.

"Don't bother with useless apologies, you are fired" Cruell says, then turns to you.

"Follow me"


"Anton, my dear friend"

You stare at the sandy blond-haired man as he stares back at you.

So, this is the male version of Anita Radcliffe.

"Is she your fiancèe, Cruell?" The said man chuckles deeply at the man.

"Fiancèe? You know that I don't do that, after all, it's a pity to imprison myself so young" Cruell asserts, staring at Anton's wife, Regina.

"So young? you are old" you mumble to yourself.

"Well, Regina is pregnant" Cruell looks in jealousy at the couple.

"Oh, what a coincidence"

Cruell gives you a side glance, before smirking at his friend.

"Me and (Y/n) are also having a baby"

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