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"For this relationship to work, I have a few conditions"

Maleficent stares down at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting to hear your condition.

"One" you raise your index finger in the air, in front of his face.

"You have to respect my privacy, there is no way I'm going to sleep in the same chamber as you"

You raise the second finger.

"Two, you have to respect me as I will respect you, you cannot belittle me"

You raise the third finger.

"And the last condition is that we have to take this relationship slow" you finish with a smile.

"All conditions rejected" the faerie king states bluntly.

"Then there will be no relationship if there are no give and take" he chuckles.

"I promised to protect you from others and you agreed, this is a condition for our relationship" you sigh, biting your bottom lip.

"You are unbelievable, I'm not even supposed to state those conditions, it has to be present in any relationship" you explain.

Maleficent moves to stand beside you, before placing an arm around your shoulders, forcing you to walk with him.

"The first time we met, I already told you that if you accepted me I would make you my queen"

Your face turns hot, regaining your memories.

The only reason why you agreed on this relationship is for protection.

But, honestly, if Maleficent approached you in a normal way, you wouldn't have minded being with him.

"You cursed a baby once, so I can't fully trust you, Maleficent" the said faerie rolls his eyes at you.

"And I regretted my mistake, Rory is like a son to me" suddenly his sharp nails scratch your arm.

"I will protect him at all cost, family matters to me" you gulp before he looks at you.

"You also matter to me" 

You two stop in front of a huge chamber.

"As for your conditions, I do not mind them, I will give you your privacy and respect you"

Maleficent walks away without looking, leaving you standing alone.

Even though, Maleficent showed you kindness now.

But, you still don't trust him.

After all, you have enough bad experiences.


"What are you doing here, Adrian?" You ask the fairy godfather while sitting on a comfy chair and reading a book.

"I came here to check on you, is that a way to greet me?" He says while sitting on the hand of the chair to see what you are reading.

"You and Mickey caused me trouble" Adrian frowns.

"Hey, we were trying to help you" you finally look at him.

"Your help on complicated things for me" you assert sternly.

"You need our help, how else are you going to return to your home" you stare him in the eyes.
"Who said I want to return home? I will make myself comfortable in the new environment"

"Are you mad?"

Adrian is starting to get confused by your weird attitude.

"No, I'm trying to fit instead of running away"

Adrian grabs the book you are holding to read the title.

'Ways to survive in a new environment'


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