ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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"Do you need any help?" you stare at the dark brown-haired prince.

"No, I don't"

You start walking away from him, not trusting anyone from now on.

"Wait!" He exclaims, rushing after you with his horse.

"You did not even ask for my name, and you seem lost" you sigh and stop.

"Listen I don't trust strangers" he chuckles at your statement.

"But, I'm no stranger, I'm prince Phillip of Ulstead"

That doesn't lessen your worry, it causes you another anxiety about meeting another Disney prince.

"I apologize, but I must get going, I must leave this land as soon as possible," you say and start walking away.

However, before you get snatched up on the horse by the prince causing you to let out a frightened yelp.

"Then off to the docks, we go, my lady, there is a ship heading to a kingdom where they say there is a fair king..." he stops.

"...I don't know if they meant fair in looks or fair in treatment, but I'm assured that it is the former"

He mumbles to himself, making it hard for you to hear.

"What is the price?" he shrugs, before smirking slightly.

"Maybe a kiss will do-"

"No" you reply bluntly.

"Then forget about me helping you"

You sigh, realizing that you don't have any money on you, and he is the only one who can get you where you want.

"Alright...just one kiss"

He turns his head around and closes his eyes, ready for your lips to touch his.

But instead, they touch his right cheeks, making him frown and open his eyes.

"That's not what I meant, my lady!" You grin.

"I do not understand where else you wanted me to kiss you, my prince" you look at him innocently.

"A woman can't kiss a man on the lips unless he is her husband"

Yes, you are playing by their era rules, and it seems to be working.

As the prince's expression softens, and he blushes.

"What a virtuous woman, you are, my lady"


After Phillip pays for your trip and gives you extra golden coins, he says his farewells and leaves.

Right now, you are looking down at the ocean, while being in deep thoughts about your situation.

So, you have yandere men chasing after you.

And you don't know how to return to your universe.

Adding to that all, you don't even know how you survived up to now.

Suddenly, you see a giant tail splash water at you, which pulled you out of your thoughts.

"What the-"

Your eyes widen when you realize that the being that splashed water at you is a merman.

A familiar red-haired merman with a long bluish-green tail.

He smiles at you after you lean forward to watch him more.

"My name is Ariel, who are you?" He introduces himself.

"I'm (Y/n)" you answer.

You notice something strange about his hands, it has long nails, and fins are connecting his fingers.

"Do you want to play with me?" he asks with a childish tone.

"I really can't do that" he pouts at you.

"My father told me to stay away from humans, but you are really a beautiful human"

Your face heats up at his words, not knowing how to react.

"Thank you, you are also handsome"

He smiles widely at your compliment

"Then you wouldn't mind mating with me, do you?" your eyes widen at his question

"What do you mean?"

"I want to mate with you, so you can carry my eggs"

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