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"I'm not coming anywhere with you two, not after what happened"

You say, staring at Prince Charming and Ellard in worry, while Rapunzel stands in front of you protectively.

"What happened? I don't understand what you are talking about?" Prince Charming states, getting off his horse, Ellard follows ahead.

"You and Ellard are psychos," you exclaim angrily.

"And you are a whore who likes to steal men's hearts" Henry smirks as he insults you with ease.

"If I were you l, I wouldn't trust her, she will make you fall in love with her then she will throw you away" Ellard adds.

Charming and Ellard are trying to turn Rapunzel against you.

Your heartbeat races thinking that the long-haired prince would turn against you for those words.

"She is like a sister to me, and I won't allow you to speak about her like that!"

Rapunzel slams Charming across the face with his frying pan, knocking him out.

Before Ellard could do anything, Rapunzel does the same and knocks him out.

He takes your hand into him as you two rush away from the scene.

"You think of me as your sister?"

You ask while still on the run, but Rapunzel answers your question anyways.

"Yes...does it matter?"

The moment you two are sure that you are both far away from the unconscious men, you start speaking.

"Yes, for me it does, because that means you are not a creep" Rapunzel chuckles.

"I will take that as a compliment, I guess"

You and Rapunzel continue walking for another half an hour.

Until Rapunzel stops suddenly, causing you to also stop walking and look at him.

"What is wrong?" you inquire.

"Did you hear that sound?"


You respond, starting to feel repulsed while looking around you in worry to see what is Rapunzel speaking about.

Out of nowhere, you get grabbed from behind which made Rapunzel's eyes widen in shock.


Hearing Adrian's familiar voice makes your body relax, realizing that you are not in danger.

"You scared me, don't you ever sneak up on me again"

You scold the fairy godfather, meanwhile, Rapunzel only stares at him in confusion.

"Who are you?" Adrian smirks at Rapunzel.

"Someone who is going to help you return to your parents"

With that being said, Adrian moves you out of his way and blows dust into Rapunzel's face.

Seeing Rapunzel disappear had you turn towards Adrian with fear.

"Where did he go, what did you do to him?" You demand.

"I sent him back to his biological parents, didn't you want that?"

The blunt reply itself annoyed you.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye" Adrian rolls his eyes before his smile widens.

"Well, I came here with a solution to your problem" you raise an eyebrow at him.

"And what is your solution"

The scenery around the both of you changes, transporting you into a luxurious room.

"What the...?" You are dazed by the transportation, looking at Adrian.

The man gets down on one knee before pulling out a velvet box from his pocket, and opening it to reveal a diamond ring.

"Marry me, and you will get a happily ever after, we will even go back to your world, (Y/n)"

Your mouth opens and closes, not excepting that to happen.

"I'm sorry, but I only think of you as a friend, Adrian" you exclaim.

He stands back up on his feet, letting out a deep chuckle of annoyance.

"I have never imagined that you would say that, especially to me, I guess I got my karma"

You frown, not understanding what he is speaking about.


His sharp gaze stares deep into your soul, making you shiver.

"Have you ever asked for my last name?"

"No...why would I do that? I thought you didn't have any last name" you utter.

With a snap of his fingers, his whole appearance changes.

His dark locks turn into blond ones, and his eyes turn into bright green ones.

His hands slide up your arms until they rest on your shoulders.

"My last name is Agreste"

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