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You sit on the park's bunch, feeding the pigeons happily. 

After you sold a diamond necklace that you had with you since your wedding to Snow White, you stayed the night at the motel.

You pray that this piece continues without any interruption.

A normal peaceful day without any contact with anyone is something you pray for on daily basis.

In the past, you loved reading yandere's stories, but now you despise them and fear the idea itself.

After all, you are traumatized by what happened to you while traveling.

Disney gave you trauma, but also you got to meet great characters like Andrew, Maleficent, and Florian... Etc.

Who are you kidding? You want your old life back.

The life where you didn't have to deal with all this madness, the one where you had internet and was not being chased by guys.

While being deep in thought, someone sits beside you on the bunch and starts feeding the pigeons with you.

You turn your head around to gaze at the newcomer, ready to leave if you felt uncomfortable. 


Dark tan skin?

Sweet smile?

Those are the only words you can use to describe this man.

You are pretty sure that is prince Naveen.

He is in the top five favorite Disney princes on your list. 

"Good evening to you, miss"  Naveen greets, getting closer to you on the bunch.

"Hello to you too, mister" you reply, finally your eyes meeting his own amber ones which shone with happiness when you spoke to him.

"So, what are you doing here all alone? Shouldn't you be at home cooking for your husband?" you smirk at his question.

"No, but I'm that my future husband won't allow me to lift a finger to clean or cook"

Prince Naveen grins, enjoying your outgoing attitude.

"You are engaged?"

"You could call that, even though he hasn't officially proposed yet, but I'm sure he would if we meet again"

Yes, you still have hope to spend the rest of your life with the faerie king, even if that hope is small.

"If I were him, I would have not waited a minute and taken you to sign our marriage contract"

You raise an eyebrow, before throwing more food to the birds.

"Well, you will never be him"

The prince shook his head in disbelief, yet the smile never leaving face.

"You are right, I'm better than him"

"PvP will prove otherwise" you mutter to yourself with a sneaky smile, and he doesn't notice.

"What happens if you don't meet again?" 

"I will carry on with my life" you reply bluntly.

"Just like that? All alone?"  Naveen inquires curiously.

"Yes, I had enough bad experiences with other men"

You cringe, as you remember the horror you faced with the Disney princes and characters.

While chatting happily and laughing with prince Naveen at his jokea, you don't notice someone watching the two of you with hatred pooling in his eyes.

Indeed, Maleficent cannot help but believe that you have cheated on him.

But he won't allow you to get off this time.

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