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You back away slowly from the angry faerie king, chuckling nervously at him.

"Hello, long time no see," you say trying to cool down the tense atmosphere.

"Where were you?"

Maleficent corners you against the wall, his wings preventing your possible escape from him.

"You see, on my wedding day, I got kidnapped then I escaped then I found-"

Maleficent places his large hand on your mouth, sealing your lips from speaking further.

"Shush, you are giving me a headache with your fake excuses" you roll your eyes at him, as he removes his hand from your lips.

"Secondly, you ran away while I was fighting for you, fighting your ex-lover, Ellard, you ungrateful whore"

Having enough of being humiliated by others, you explode.

"Why do people keep on calling me whore? I have not even slept with anyone!" You exclaim, pushing him away from you.

"I never told you to lock me up or fight Ellard, I never wanted to be here in the first place, I'm tired of being insulted!"

While shouting at him, tears start to fall down your cheeks, and your throat goes dry.

Maleficent watches you in silence as you let out your emotions.

"I'm tired of being treated like that, would it kill you to respect me, or my privacy, of course, it would annoy your highness"

After finishing your sentence, you look at Maleficent to see him staring back at you with amusement before chuckling.

He pokes your forehead harshly and mockingly.

"Silly human, do you think that if I give you your freedom that you will be safe, never" you frown deeply at him.

"Why not?"

"Because everyone wants to own you, so take my offer" his reply makes you gulp.

"What are you offering?"

"Become mine and I will keep them away from you" you title your head at him.

"And how will you do that?" The faerie leans in towards your face.

"Killing is the easiest way to end someone's life, don't you think so?"

With that, his lips passionately meet yours, then you pull away.

"What about Prince Rory, are you going to kill him too" you inquire.

You are curious about how far Maleficent is evil.

Maleficent's whole expression changes into a cold one.

"Not, silly girl, Rory is my godson"

Maybe there is still some good in Maleficent.

However, you are not sure about the others.


"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, is there something you wish to inform me about?"

The man in the mirror smiles at the prince standing infron of him.

"Indeed, there is, my prince"

Snow White narrows his eyes at the mirror.

"What is it?"

"The fairest of them all has returned, and she is with the faerie king right now"

The answer is enough for the pretty prince to have his mood change completely.

"If you dare tell my stepfather about any of this, I'm going to shatter you into pieces" he warns sternly.

Before taking his leave to prepare to head off to Maleficent's palace.

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