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"Me and (Y/n) are also having a baby"

You look at Cruell, your mouth almost dropping in shock at the false news he just announced.

"So, you are ready to be a father, but not ready to marry your girlfriend"

Regina mocks, causing her husband to shush her.

"Congratulations, Cruell, (Y/n), I'm sure you two will make good perants"

"Actually-" you go silent when you see the murderous glare Cruell is sending your way.

"Thank you, I'm sure you two will also make great parents" you complement.

"So, where are the puppies?" Cruell inquires, searching around for the dotted dogs.

"What puppies? We don't have any puppies" Anton stutters out.

Seeing the couple get nervous, you decided to save them.

"Puppies? Oh, Cruell, you know that I'm allergic to dogs!" You exclaim, pretending to be afraid.

(If you are allergic to dogs in real life, then please ignore the word 'pretending' )

The fashion designer raises an eyebrow at you, surprised.

"We have to leave now, sorry for the bother," you say, dragging behind you the bi-haired tall man.

Once you and Cruell are out of the house, and the door closes behind you two, he faces you with a smirk on his face.

"What was that back there, dear?" you roll your eyes at him.

"I could ask you the same, me? pregnant? really?" Cruell chuckles.

"You see you have to pay me somehow" he starts.

"And I didn't have you follow me everywhere I go for no reason" you frown.

"You do realize that you will get exposed sooner than later?"

"Don't worry, I have two plans in my mind for that" he explains, as you both get into his car and drive.

"Which are?" you narrow your eyes at him in skepticism.

"The first plan is to get you pregnant" your eyes widen.

"And the second plan is to just adopt a baby in secret after the nine-month ends"

You honestly don't care about what Cruell is saying.

Because simply, you won't be staying here for long.

"I prefer the first choice" he states.

"And I prefer the second one" you mumble, before asking another question.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"My favorite club"


'The Ink and Paint Club'          

You feel like you have seen that club before, but what show? You don't remember.

Anyway, Cruell guides you towards an empty table.

The waiter comes and takes your order.

Cruell ordered vodka.

While you ordered a glass of water.

Plus the strange man dressed in a blue suit that you saw earlier at the fashion show is sitting at a table near yours.

"Don't sit like that, it is not elegant at all" Cruell instructs, seeing your poor sitting posture.

Cruell is the type of person who has no regrets in making people feel like dirt.

You fix your posture, feeling embarrassed.

But, your embarrassment turns into surprise when you see a very attractive man get on stage.

Red hair.

Green eyes.

Yep, that's the male version of Jessica Rabbit.

The handsome man realizes that you are staring at him, and grins slightly.

You had plenty money 1922.

You let other men make a fool of you.

Why don't you do right,

like some other women do?

Jason takes pleasure in walking over to your table slowly.

Causing Cruell to get furious that your attention is on another man.

Get out of here,

Make me some money too.

You're sittin' down wondrin'

What it's all about.

If you ain't got no money they

will put you out.

Why don't you do right,

like some other women do?

Jason's face is inches away from you, looking like he is ready to kiss you.

But two men in the club whom stopped him from taking any further action.

And those are...

Cruell De Vil.


Alexander Liddel.

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