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"You should have not gone alone without any company to the woods"

"Everything was under control" 

Kocoum turns his head toward you, as you two walk back to the tribe.

"Under control? He would have kidnapped you, after all, you are easy prey, no weapons, and no strength"

You pout like a child, tired of being lectured.

"It is not my fault that he creeped up on me out of nowhere while I was searching for herbs" you defend yourself.

Kocoum sighs, looking away from you.

"They came to steal our land and kill our people, they won't stop, you need to understand the danger you were in"

His words make you sad and angry.

You don't want anything to happen to this tribe, they are your family.

Especially the thought of something bad happening to your dear friend, Pocahontas.

The rest of the walk was spent in silence, as you finally reach your destination.


As you turn around to thank Kocoum for saving you from John, the Native American walks away without a word being said to him.

'Typical grumpy Kocoum'     


While you sit in your tepee tent, doing nothing but relaxing, trying to fall asleep in peace without any type of disturbance

That was until Pocahontas decided to disturb your peace by walking in and sitting beside you.

"What's wrong?" you inquire upon seeing the weapon in his hands, while a sharp look lays on his face.

"I'm here to keep you safe all night,  Kocoum told me everything that happened earlier"

You give him an assuring smile, leaning against his shoulder as a way to comfort his worries.

"Nothing is going to happen, no need to worry about,  even though... " you trail off.

"Even though what?"

"I want you to stay here by my side,  Pocahontas" you admit.

The said man turns his face away as his tanned cheeks heat up from your words and the way you are leaning against him.

"I will not allow any colonizers to harm you, I will stick my spear through their chest and then rip their heart out"

After Pocahontas finishes speaking, he notices that you have fallen asleep against him,  your head laying on his shoulder.

Not wanting to wake you up, Pocahontas decides to stay in his place all night to not wake you up from your peaceful rest.

And he will do it proudly and with great pleasure like a man guarding the woman he loves.


"You want me to help you?"

The evil king mockingly asks, while standing in front of the looking mirror.

"It's not called help, you are returning the favors I have done you the past years"

Maleficent states calmly causing the evil king to chuckle, before turning around to face the faerie king.

"What favor do you need?"

"I need to know if (Y/n)'s soul has been transported to the underworld"

Grimhild's eyes widen upon hearing your name and the world's soul in the same sentence.

Without asking any more questions, the evil king looks at his mirror, letting out the next order with a hurry and a tone of anger.

"Magic mirror on the wall, where might I find the soul of (Y/n)?"

The mirror does not answer,  instead, it stays quiet.

"Why is it quiet,  why doesn't it answer?" Maleficent demands.

"Because he does not know her whereabouts" Grimhild explains

"Then I shall pay Hades a visit"

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